Page 80 of Finding Summer

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Meetings can suck it.

There was supposed to be one meeting today. One. That turned into two, which morphed into three. Sitting in the project trailer, I toy with a cold fry from our impromptu company lunch as the lead architect drones on.Normally, I’d be all for the fast-food joint the superintendent picked, but today I barely ate one burger. My fries turned cold over an hour ago. Still, I keep playing with them.

Everything’s on track. It looks great.

Two sentences. It takes all of five seconds to say it. I don’t know why it’s taking them so damn long. It’s not like there are any problems or complications. The foundation is set up perfectly, beams and supports are laid for the three-floor boutique hotel. By locally sourcing most of our materials, we haven’t even had to worry about shipping and material delays.

It’s all on schedule.

Although I can’t complain too much. I haven’t heard a damn thing any of them have been saying in the last hour. I tried. I even glanced up at the superintendent’s little PowerPoint presentation a few times.But he’s wearing a suit. A freaking suit, jacket and all inside a dirty construction trailer. If he wanted any of us to take him seriously, he could have actually worn a pair of shoes he could tour the site in. As is, the only thing he’s seeing today is the inside of this room.

I adjust my legs, my muddy boots scraping on the dusty floor. I should have cleaned up in here a little more. Probably should have at least changed this morning. But, I can still smell Asra on me. My dick jolts inside my jeans. The guy at the head of the table drones on. But I don’t hear a word of it.

All I can focus on is the little girl waiting for me tonight. I shift in my seat. It doesn’t help. I didn’t get near enough time with her this morning. But, fuck, I wasn’t about to rush things.

A smirk plays on my lips as I dip my cold fry in the thick blob of Ketchup on my burger’s open wrapper. When she had first blurted that she didn’t date, I got worried. Worried that she meant she had never dated, like never done anything.

But, fuck, the way she moaned and ground her ass against me this morning. And when I slid my finger inside that sexy, little, black thong. I shift again.

The way her back arched, her moans, how she took my brother deep in her throat, no problems, it all rushes back to me. And when I circled my finger around her rear hole, she whimpered. She fucking whimpered. She didn’t freeze or jerk away. No, not my Prude. She whimpered, rubbing that lush ass right against my dripping cock.

Fuck, I can’t wait for tonight. I need to text Breckin, see what he has planned. But he’d probably want to actually plan some shit. Take it slow again, wait.

I listened to him enough last night, let him set the pace, let him keep calling me down. A lot of fucking good that did me. He got his dick sucked off this morning. The only thing I ended up with is my balls even bluer than before. I swear, they’re fucking black at this point.

Breckin can worry about planning. That’s all him tonight. The only thing I’m focusing on is burying myself so deep inside Asra all she can do is hold on and scream, watching her come undone on my cock so many times she loses count, and making sure she knows without a shadow of a doubt that she is ours.

I swirl my fry in the Ketchup again until it breaks in half. Tossing it aside, I grab another one.

By the time the meetingends, I’m ready to call it a day. I do a quick check of the site, making sure my men accomplished something today. Even that takes longer than I want. My mind still won’t focus on anything other than Asra. I have to look at everything twice, repeat the same conversations over and over simply ‘cause my head won’t focus on a single word anyone says.

It’s like I’m on autopilot, my dick a second from busting out of my pants. Tonight. Just a few more hours.

I finish up with the sparkies, then head back to the trailer. After going over the blueprints again, triple-checking that we’re on track, I make sure we have everything for tomorrow when the plumbers start. There’s no way I’m coming in early tomorrow to count shit, so that means I gotta get it done today.

I sort through all the paperwork and receipts, then grab my tablet and head out to the supply building. Saying we have all the pipes on paper is a different thing than them actually being there. It’s even dirtier inside the giant, metal, temporary warehouse we set up the first week on the site. Even though it’s cool enough outside, without any ventilation in here, it’s hotter than a dog’s ass in heat. Huffing, I get to work counting all the rows of heavy, industrial pipes before I head to the drywall.

By the time I lock up the warehouse and trailer, it’s an hour past when I’d normally get off. No nine to five for me. Not anymore.

Shaking my head, I trudge to my truck. I’m covered in dirt and sweat, Asra’s sweet scent long gone after a couple hours scrambling around in the hot-ass sweatbox. I need a shower and to change in the worst way.

I need inside my girl even more.

I pass by a few stores on my way home and consider stopping. I could get her something, flowers, more chocolate, or some shit. I bet she’d like that.

I glance at the clock and shake my head. I’m already later than I want to be. We never set a time, but I was hoping for noon or ten this morning if I could pull it off. Yeah, I laugh out loud, that dream. It’ll probably never happen. Not unless I hire an assistant. But I’m not about to start bitching that I need help, not when I just got the gig. Gotta prove myself first. Put in the work. Then maybe someday it will be smooth sailing.

Taking one more glance at the rows of retro style shops, I run my hand across my chin and head home.

I don’t wanna waste any more time. Besides, I really don’t want to head inside any shop looking like this. My clothes are covered in dust, boots caked in mud, and I’m certain there are a few cobwebs in my hair. They’d probably kick me out of any sweet shop as soon as I stepped foot inside it. And I’d mess up any flowers before I could get them to her.

‘Sides, if I did pick something up, I’d have to double-check with Breckin. Make sure he didn’t buy the same thing, change, go over whatever his game plan is. Hopefully he made one.

As long as it includes me fucking Prude over and over again tonight, I’ll go along with whatever he has set up.

Parking my truck in the driveway, I reach inside my pants and adjust myself again. I’m still just as hard as I was this morning.

Tags: Cassandra Cripps Romance