Page 81 of Provoked

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Kelly woke with a start, the unfamiliar surroundings jolting her awake. These weren’t her sheets. This wasn’t her soft, well-worn pillow under her cheek.

She lifted her head, realizing she wasn’t sleeping on a pillow at all, but a chest.Spencer’schest.

When she let out a surprised grunt, his big hand cradled the back of her head and pulled her back down. “Shh. Sleep.” His slurred voice lulled her into closing her eyes. Her fingers curled into his bare stomach. “It’s not morning yet.”

She smiled and settled in.No, not morning yet.

The next time she woke she couldn’t make the same assertion. Sunshine streamed through the slats of his partially open blinds, warming the bed where she sprawled like a lazy kitten. She yawned and stretched, reaching for Spencer though she already knew she was alone. She already missed his long, solid body, his muscles under her hands, his smell. He was better than any pillow.

After dozing a couple minutes more, reality filtered into her brain. She bolted straight up in bed.

Bright sunlight? What the fuck time was it? It wasn’t her day off.

She glanced at his alarm clock and did a double take at what she saw.Eleven fifteen?

“Oh my God.” She jumped out of bed. Yet again, she only had club clothes to wear. Hardly suitable for work. She also didn’t have a vehicle. For a full minute she stood in the center of Spencer’s bedroom and held her head.

Why hadn’t he awakened her?Why?

A folded piece of paper on the nightstand caught her eye. She snatched the note and read Spencer’s message with building anger.

Relax. You needed your sleep. I’ll say you called sick but will be in later. Call me when you’re ready and I’ll take a break and come get you.

Already he thought he could tell her what to do in bed and out, even when they were off the clock. Hell no. True, she’d been the one who’d overslept but he’d never set the alarm. He hadn’t eventriedto wake her. It was nice he was concerned but still, it wasn’t his place. This was her job. Nothing ranked before that, even sleep.

Even him.

She’d never been late. Not even earlier that week when she’d had to steal his car to get there on time.

Dammit, he probably didn’t even have a bike. She could check out the garage—

Her phone rang in her purse, which she found on the chair next to his dresser. Fuming, she pulled it out of her bag and yanked it to her ear. “Do you have any clue howpissedI am right now?”

His smooth chuckle infuriated her more. “Sleep well?”

“Spencer, you better get your ass over here and get me. Now.”

“So much for gratitude I let you sleep in. And here I was trying to be a nice boss.”

“You’re lucky I’m notyourboss, because I’d be reaming you good right now.”

“Ream me. Free pass.”

She hated that just his voice made her wet. Absolutely hated it. “You’d just use it against me later.”

“You already owe me. I expected something last night and you went to sleep without giving it to me.”

“Excuse me? Youexpectedsomething? What am I now, your sex slave?”

“I could have just taken what I wanted, you know. While you were lying in my bed, all warm and loose and beautiful.”

“Stop calling me beautiful.” That wasn’t the part of that statement she should’ve focused on, but she knew he was kidding. He would never take something from her she didn’t consent to.

Never mind the fact she didn’t think she’d ever say no to him sexually. Not because she was afraid to, but because he’d opened her up to so many new things that she was always greedy to experience more.

With him. Only with him.

Tags: Taryn Quinn Romance