Page 65 of Provoked

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Then she fell asleep.

* * *

Kelly rubbed her cheek against Spencer’s chest, his masculine scent her lifeline. Her feet were on the floor, her ass sunk into the cushions where who knew how many other bodies had held the same position. But she barely noticed any of it. All she knew was his heartbeat was a steady thrum under her skin and—

“I didn’t use a condom.”

She rubbed her eyes, sure she’d misheard the dazed statement he’d uttered against her brow. How long had she been asleep? Or passed out? Her guess was no more than a couple of minutes. This place wasn’t exactly conducive to napping. Yet as loud as the club was, she felt as if they’d somehow spun a protective web of intimacy over the couch stationed in one corner of the dance floor.

Dance floor.They hadn’t even bothered to go upstairs to the lounge. Not that she’d really been in the right mind for worrying about their location.

She lifted her head and looked around drowsily, noting the couple going at it on a barstool a few feet away. So much for downstairs being vanilla. Maybe that depended on the crowd.

And maybe vanilla here was a relative term. At least they hadn’t been flogging each other.

“Did you hear what I said?”

No. Not really.Didn’t he get that her hearing had fled with most of her other senses? It was his fault, after all. “What did you say?”

He jerked up her chin. “No condom.”

“Okay,” she said slowly, waiting for the punch line. Did he expect her to freak out because he hadn’t come prepared? There were bowls of them all over the place but maybe he hadn’t been thinking. She sure hadn’t been. Still wasn’t. “I’m clean. You?”

Her eyes widened at his silence. “Oh no.” Visions of painful blood tests filled her already woozy head. “You do come here an awful lot.”

His scowl went a long way to soothing her ragged nerves. “I’m clean. Jesus, Kelly. Do you really think I stick my dick in any available hole? That’s not the point.”

More crude language.Sonot Spencer. “Then?”

“Are you on the Pill?”

Was he really having this discussion in the middle of a sex club? After the deed had already been done? “Pill, IUD, shots. I do them all. God forbid one sneaky sperm shoot through.”

He stared at her, his face strained. “This isn’t a joke. If you can get pregnant, you need to tell me now so we can—”

“So we can what? Search out a half-dozen morning-after pills to make sure there’s no chance your oh so potent seed did its job?”

Annoyed and not sure why, she yanked away from him—though her sweaty body seemed quite willing to remain plastered to his side—and bent to search for her panties. Remembering they’d disappeared a long time ago, she struggled to her feet.

And promptly pitched right back onto Spencer, who caught her with something between a laugh and a growl. “A little weak-kneed yet?” The possessiveness in the question wasn’t lost on her as his hand found her breast, cupping it through her dress. Her severely rucked up and wrinkled dress. “Sit a minute. Where are you running off to?”

“Home.” With effort she managed not to purr as his long, talented fingers toyed with her nipple. “Alone.”

That caused his eyebrow to lift. “I’m not invited to your bed?”

“No, just like you don’t like me in yours.” Hard to sniff when your breast was in a guy’s palm, but she gave it a try. “I need to get some sleep for a change. I have to work tomorrow.”

“It’s past midnight.”


“So call in tomorrow. Play hooky.”

Now she was the one who stared. She pressed her hand against his forehead. He was hot, yes, but that was to be expected after the prime ramming he’d given her. “Do you have the flu?”

“Why?” He smirked as his wandering fingers plucked at her other nipple. “You’re entitled to a day off now and then. Which you haven’t taken in months, by the way. You have sick and vacation time coming out of your very fine ears.”

She shrugged. “I don’t get sick very often.“ She gasped when he gripped her nipple between his knuckles and twisted. That bordering-on-painful gesture felt sinfully good. “We just finished having sex. What are you doing?”

Tags: Taryn Quinn Romance