Page 5 of Provoked

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“Me frown? No way.” She grinned and rapped her knuckles on the vending machine. “But I wouldn’t turn down some chocolate.”

He bought her a candy bar and cocked his head toward Spencer’s office. “Saw you go in there with the big boss man. Something up?”

“No. Nothing.”

“Sure about that?”

He’d long ago told her he suspected she had a crush on Spencer, which she’d resoundingly denied. But every now and then, he leaped back on the bandwagon.

“I’m sure.” She tucked the chocolate bar in the pocket of her cargo pants. She’d need the boost later. “Gotta get back on the floor. Thanks for the pick-me-up.”

She glanced at her watch as she headed toward the ladies’ room. One more hour and she was outta there. Her best friend, Alana MacGregor, was visiting from Virginia and wanted her to come check out a sexy new club. Though she didn’t usually go out during the week, this seemed like a good night to break routine.

She’d go hang out with Alana for a couple of hours, drink a couple fruity drinks and be in bed long before midnight. Her shift started at six and she was never late to work. She’d be there bright and early like always, but tonight she’d have a little fun.

Tags: Taryn Quinn Romance