Page 36 of Provoked

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“I do. But only with you.”

Irritation flared on his face as she undid a couple more buttons on his shirt. She lightly tugged the fine mat of hair on his chest and smiled at the worry wrinkle between his eyes. He was so freaking serious all the time, he probably needed Kink to bring out his sense of play.

“Let’s go upstairs,” she said softly.

Any other guy would have given token resistance, but Spencer wasn’t any other guy. He led the way across the dance floor and up the twisting stairs to the lounge. Tonight it reeked of patchouli and the music sounded jaunty and tropical rather than Middle Eastern, but the vibe was still relaxed and casually sexual.

Even though both couches were taken—reallytaken, by people in various stages of lovemaking—leaving only a small loveseat for her and Spencer, she felt instantly more at ease. Downstairs the atmosphere and the people were slick, as if sex were as much a commodity as the drinks. Up here it felt as if it was shared for everyone’s enjoyment.

She grinned as Spencer sat down and tugged her onto his lap. “What?” he asked, immediately on guard.


A guy like him, as polished as they came, wouldn’t understand why she liked the low-key atmosphere of the second level better. She scraped his hair back from his face, surprised at the pleasure she got just from looking at him. The buzz of need between them had ebbed to a steady hum, but the sheer joy of being with him burned dark and hot.

He lifted her wrist to his mouth and razed his teeth over her skin. That buzz leapt about twelve notches, especially between her legs. “Tell me.”

She shrugged and offered her thoughts on the difference between upstairs and downstairs.

He nodded. “I prefer the lounge too. But I was so hard for you before, I would’ve taken you in the middle of the street.”

His admission made her grin widen. She let her hands wander down his flat stomach to his erection, shifting back so she had more room to explore. “Before? You still feel pretty hard to me.”

Someone cried out behind her and Spencer’s body went rigid. Taking the cue, she slid all the way over, giving him an unfettered view of the vocal pair on the couch. She tucked his hair behind his ear, much more interested in watching Spencer than she was in watching them.

She undid his belt, eased down his zipper and pulled his cock out of his boxers, freeing him from his constraints. His shaft rose high and proud, his skin here a paler gold than the rest of him though the head was scarlet. A drop of fluid seeped from the slit and she caught it with her thumb, swirling the liquid until another appeared. She resisted the urge to taste him and instead used the lubrication to ease her short, churning strokes. She studied his pinched face as she worked him, reveling in the moment.

Knowing he wanted her was the biggest turn-onever.

He palmed her breast, his hold possessive and rough. There was nothing sweet about Spencer, just a barely restrained wildness that made her hunger for him in a way she’d never hungered before.

“Take off your panties.”

As if they were powered by his voice, her nipples tightened at his demand. “Sorry. Little busy. You want them off, go ahead.”

His eyebrow winged up. “You’ll be the one suffering.”

Good point.

She released him and wiggled until she’d removed her thong. Catching her tongue between her teeth, she smiled and dropped the soaked triangle of fabric on his chest.

“Keep going,” he encouraged in that same commanding tone.

She slowly rolled up her dress, spreading her legs until her bare pussy was on display. It should’ve felt weird but it didn’t. Teasing him, she ground the heel of her hand against her sex. Moisture gathered and spread. She was beyond ready. So ready that if she actually fingered herself the whole room would know how aroused she was.

And suddenly, that didn’t seem like such a scary thing. She didn’t know where her boldness had come from, but she hoped like hell it never left.

“I always knew you could multitask,” he said as she resumed rubbing his cock, matching the speed of her hand between her thighs.

“Easier to do that with a list. I just love checking things off,” she murmured, taken aback when his expression turned grim.

“You won’t just check me off. Believe that.” He reached around her body to slide his wide hand over hers on her pussy.

She glanced up and saw the couple on the nearest couch had paused to watch them play. He pushed inward, sliding their tangled fingers over her swollen clit. White-hot heat blazed through her and she cried out, amazed that something so many would see as wrong could feel so good.

His cock jerked and she increased her pace, stroking him harder. “Oh fuck, yes,” he groaned, his eyes closing. His face was so close, his mouth softer now as he raised his hips into her movements. She leaned over to kiss him as he slid his fingers all the way inside her, two of them opening her up while his thumb circled her clit. She nibbled his lips, biting gently and then not so gently until his eyes opened and focused on hers.

Desire filled their potent depths. She let herself float there, lost, until his sharp plunges in and out of her pussy broke the spell.

Tags: Taryn Quinn Romance