Page 30 of Provoked

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“Overtime will likely be required for the next month or so as we transition. If you have any hours or days you’re not available, you’re advised to discuss them with your supervisor now rather than waiting until you’re asked to work. Any questions?”

The usual suspects piped up to ask things they should’ve had the answers to during their first week of employment. Spencer fielded the inquiries with remarkable aplomb, but the minute Kelly indicated she wanted to speak, his shoulders stiffened.

“Kelly,” he said tightly.

Clearly she’d worn out her welcome for taking the floor.

“I’m available for whatever overtime is necessary,” she said in her sweetest voice, well aware of the tittering around them. Yanking Spencer’s chain made any name-calling worth it. “The store’s my first priority.”

“Don’t think that’s your first,” Tony muttered, eliciting a chuckle from his ever-present pal Cale.

Kelly’s eyes narrowed. All at once she knew, just knew, her phone hadn’t simply been misplaced. They—or one of their cronies—had read her personal information before passing it around. She was the biggest joke in the store.

Shame burned her cheeks as she looked away. Why had she ever made a list about something so private? She might as well have begged for public humiliation.

“Tony, do you have something to say?”

Spencer’s sharp question grabbed her attention. If she hadn’t seen it herself, Kelly never would’ve believed the glower Spencer aimed at Tony.

“If so,” he continued, “I’d be happy to arrange a meeting. Actually, I’d relish it. Your shift ends at five today, correct?”

Tony crossed his arms over his chest, his snigger disappearing. “No, I’m finished.”

“Glad to hear it. And Mr. Griggs’ insubordination brings me to the last reason for this meeting today. Causing trouble and spreading gossip.” Spencer surveyed each of the employees in turn. “Some would say there’s no stopping it, that any company has its share of troublemakers and that’s just the way things are. Surprise, that’s not the way things are run here. If you have a problem treating your fellow employees with respect, I understand and will expect your resignation on my desk by close of business today.”

His cold gaze swept the crowd. “Any questions?”

Tags: Taryn Quinn Romance