Page 27 of Provoked

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Don’t let the door hit you in the ass. Cya.

He hadn’t considered she had no vehicle to leave with. Maybe he’d assumed she’d just walk five miles in the heels from hell. Why bother himself overmuch? He had more important things to do. Like run.

Kelly dug through her purse. She’d just call a damn Uber. Hopefully it wouldn’t take too long. And she’d make Spencer pay for it.

She’d just flipped open her phone when her gaze landed on the key fob still sitting on the table. One that belonged to the pretty Acura parked in the drive.

Humming, she snatched it up and tossed her purse over her shoulder. Maybe she wouldn’t be late after all.

* * *

She’d stolen his damn car.

Spencer stopped at the base of his driveway and stared at the place where his car had been an hour ago. Not even a spot of water from the A/C remained.

He bent at the knees and focused on his breathing. Though he habitually exercised in the morning, he didn’t usually run as if salvation waited at the end. He didn’t usually leave beautiful women alone all night in his bed either, but today was a day for firsts.

At least he knew if she’d taken his car, she couldn’t be warming up his sheets. Those long arms stretched above her head, leaving her breasts on display. Long legs spread wide, offering an unfettered view of her smooth pink pussy.

And did he really need to torture himself with images like that while he was already hard and ready and pissed?

It was his own fault. What had he expected her to do? Those sex stilts she’d been wearing last night weren’t exactly conducive to long walks. He’d just wanted her out of his house and didn’t care how she made that happen.

Suave, he was not. He also wasn’t thinking straight. Kelly wouldn’t ever be the type of woman he could dismiss, even if it was for her own damn good. She didn’t know what kind of man he was. He’d be doing her a favor if he kept his distance.

He expelled a long breath and headed up the drive to the back door, which she’d very considerately left unlocked at his suggestion. This must be what it was like to live with someone. Sharing control wasn’t something he relished. Probably why his lovers rarely spent the night. Even negotiating what to have for breakfast seemed like too much trouble.

He liked his life just as it was. Was that so wrong? And true, Kelly had “borrowed” his car, but at least she hadn’t hung around with mopey eyes waiting for him to say he’d call though they both knew it was a lie.

Small favors.

He went into the kitchen and grabbed a paper towel to mop up the sweat dripping down his chest. It was already heading past 75 and it wasn’t even six. Today promised to be one of the hottest days of the year.

His thoughts shuddered to a stop as he saw the note on the table. She’d crossed out his pithy message and written one of her own.

Didn’t want to be late. I’ll be sure to return your car in the same condition I borrowed it, with one exception. I’m not wearing panties. And the leather in your Acura is so soft and supple…

Spencer groaned aloud. God, she had to be kidding. She wouldn’t grind her pussy against his seats.

Even if she had left a lipstick kiss at the bottom of the note.

He rubbed at the headache brewing between his eyes. Didn’t matter what she ground where. He’d have the seats professionally cleaned if necessary but he wasn’t getting involved with her. She’d proven to be a bit more dogged in her pursuit than he’d expected—while also remaining oddly, seductively aloof—but he’d dealt with worse. If he knew anything, it was how to handle women.

Smiling, he pitched the towel in the garbage, the same place he ditched her note. He felt better already.

Car or no car, Kelly Crossman wasn’t going to get the better of him.

* * *

“Meeting in the conference room in ten.”

Kelly didn’t look up from where she’d stationed herself on the floor in the romance section. As Spencer had requested, she’d begun reorganizing the space to be more eye-catching, though she’d had to bargain with Marcia for ten minutes to be given an hour off the register. Now she’d barely started and they were summoning her to a meeting.

A grin curved her mouth as she stared at the historical romance in her lap. Maybe Spencer wanted to show off his preference for public performances by taking her on the conference table in front of the staff.

Nah, not likely. That was what the club was for.

If she went back to Kink again tonight and he didn’t show, she was going to be very disappointed. She hadn’t been entirely lying in her note about how arousing she found the leather in his car. Imagining him fingering her had turned up the wetness factor until she’d been squirming. Pity she hadn’t worn panties or else she would’ve left them tucked discreetly in his glove box.

Tags: Taryn Quinn Romance