Page 21 of Provoked

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“Since you asked so nicely.” She slid inside and sucked in a breath as he rounded the hood. The car reeked of pineapple. Her stomach burbled a weak protest at the possibility of food.

“What’s that smell?” she demanded once he opened his door.

“Leftover pineapple chicken.” He folded his long body behind the wheel with remarkable grace and jerked a thumb at the backseat. “You can have it if you want, since your tongue’s about to fall out of your mouth.”

She didn’t particularly like that comment but it was sterling truth. Though she wasn’t sure the lollygagging tongue was from the Chinese or the sight of Spencer all rumpled and sweaty. He wasn’t a tower of nerves like she was but he also wasn’t his normal unflappable self.

She leaned into the backseat and grabbed the container, relieved to find it was still vaguely warm. “How old is this? Am I risking my life by eating it?”

“It was dinner.” He started the car and roared out of the lot, stepping on the gas so hard she almost felt separation anxiety from her head. “Buckle up,” he advised a second before he turned the corner on what felt like two wheels.

“You feeling left out that we didn’t get frisked by the cops? Jeez. Cool the man theatrics.”

She clicked her belt and popped the top on the Chinese, pleased to find a plastic fork. The food smelled like heaven. Tasted like it too.

“Where do you live?”

“Twenty-fifth and Beech,” she answered in between bites. Not only were the rice, chicken and plump chunks of pineapple yummy, the more she ate, the less drunk and stupid she felt. “Haven Apartments.”

He drove silently and steadily, without any sudden acceleration or rapid braking. This was more like the Spencer she knew. He didn’t go for niceties, had no use for small talk.

Didn’t take time to kiss the woman he’d helped come in a dark hallway of a sex club.

“Did you think you were going to get lucky?”

I sorta did.She swallowed the rice wedged on the back of her tongue and set down the fork. “Did you?”

He didn’t smile and he didn’t look at her. “In case you weren’t paying attention, I was in prime position to get very lucky when all hell broke loose.”

She swallowed a hunk of pineapple and tried not to glare at him. It wasn’t easy. “What do you guys do? Play pass the pussy till the chick faints?”

“Jealous?” he asked, his tone infuriatingly mild.

“Jealous?You’re insane,” she said, huffing out a breath. She would never—could never—

“If I’d wanted to fuck her, I could have. And I might’ve when they were finished.” He glanced at her then away before she had time to register his expression. “I’m not used to someone watching me,” he added in an undertone.

You should be. I’ve been watching you for three years.

Kelly wet her lips. She had to keep him talking. If she didn’t, he’d shut down and she’d be back to square zero. “That’s your thing? Watching?”

“Only if there’s something worth seeing.”

She dropped the fork. How could something that had tasted so great a minute ago now turn her stomach sour? She closed the takeout box and put it on the floor behind Spencer’s seat. “Thanks for the insider info. I feel like a regular sexpert now.”

Silence reigned until he asked which highway exit would offer the quickest route to her apartment. She answered mechanically, well aware she sounded as if her cat had died.

Her last drop of bravado had fled with her buzz. Not that she’d had much to begin with.

She’d always thought she was fairly experienced sexually, but what she’d seen at Kink made her feel like a virgin all over again. She couldn’t deny she’d been aroused. But that didn’t mean she was ready to have sex in front of strangers, with Spencer or without.

And she’d thought they had too many reasons not to hook up before. Little had she known.

“Tonight never happened,” he said in a low voice. “You never saw me at Kink and I never saw you. Tomorrow is business as usual.”

She stared at his profile incredulously. Neversawhim? Was that his term for what had happened between them?

And how dare he act as if he hadn’t been the one bare-assed in front of a crowd? As if he was in the clear andshewas the naughty little girl?

Tags: Taryn Quinn Romance