Page 31 of Beautiful Villain

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His frank words stunned me more than I would have thought. Maybe I’d assumed a killer like him didn’t have family or couldn’t have real feelings. “I’m very sorry to hear that.”

“That’s what happens in life, printsessa. After that experience I will never let anything I consider precious to be taken away from me. Ever.”

His statement was another promise.

“I’m here because I plan on being an actress, or so I’d like to hope. I keep auditioning for parts on Broadway, but I’ve never gotten a call back. I keep trying though.” There was no reason for me to spout off about my goals in life, but it seemed to please him. Maybe that meant he wouldn’t kill me tonight. “Lofty, stupid goals. Right? That’s what my parents told me anyway.”

“Nothing that you desire should ever be considered stupid, moya krasota. Tell me about the three men you were serving.”

I’d been right about the assholes. “Tonight was the first night I’d ever seen them in the bar.” He didn’t blink and I wasn’t certain he was even breathing. Five seconds ticked by.

Ten. Hell, maybe twenty.

“I believe you. However, I still need you to undress.”


“It’s quite possible that the men at the bar could be considered our enemies.”

My God. The man thought I was working with those assholes? “I don’t know who you mean as far as your enemy, but I’m not in the habit of consorting with bastards. Well…” I was digging myself a grave. Lordy. “You think I’m carrying a weapon, don’t you?”

“I’ve been attacked by women before. I do not intend to allow that to happen again.”

“Does mace in my purse count?” I could tell he wasn’t in the mood for my corny jokes, but that’s what I did when I was nervous, and this man made me anxious in the worst way. He wasn’t budging on his demand. All I could see was the upper half of his face at this point, but I was coming dangerously close to irritating him.

I turned around, although that seemed ridiculous. He’d already seen me naked. Still, the thought of him watching me was more terrifying than his questions. My fingers were stiff as I crouched down, untying my tennis shoes. Nothing could feel more awkward than what I was doing. A single bead of perspiration trickled down from my forehead as I stood, fighting to kick the heavy canvas from my feet, finally jerking and tossing it.

Everything seemed like a massive blur as I tugged on my shirt, the stench of beer lingering on my skin adding to the nauseous feeling. I closed my eyes, reaching around my back and unfastening my bra. He was breathing heavy, which meant he was enjoying humiliating me. I bit my inner cheek, praying I didn’t make a single sound. When I unfastened my skirt, I took several deep breaths before being able to lower it to the floor.

Now I’d wished I’d worn sexy panties instead of the cotton ones that made me feel inferior. My stomach lurched when I slipped my fingers under the elastic. I just couldn’t do it. I just couldn’t. When I turned around, I knew he could see my lower lip quivering. I hated myself for being so terrified but fighting to breathe was difficult enough. I covered my breasts with one arm as I turned around. “I know who you are.”

“I imagine you do. There wasn’t a man in that bar who didn’t know who I was or the people I work for.”

“Are you a dangerous man, Kirill? Are you a killer like they said you are?”

Very slowly he rose to his feet, walking toward me with the gait of a predator. “I am a very dangerous man, Candy, but not on this night. At least as long as you are who you say you are.”

He didn’t answer the killing part, but he didn’t need to. When he came closer, I understood just how small I was in comparison to his large frame. He stood in all his masculine glory, dressed in black slacks and the same ebony shirt he’d worn into the bar, only he’d removed his jacket and rolled up his sleeves. He was far more intimidating in appearance than when he was wearing only gym shorts the night before.

I tilted my head, studying his expression as he closed the distance, sliding one hand behind my neck, rubbing it back and forth across my skin before tugging on the ponytail, then weaving his fingers through my hair. While he was searching for a hidden pin or some small weapon, the touch was so gentle and soothing that I closed my eyes.

He continued his exploration, rubbing his long digits down my chest and under my breasts. I took a quick glance down, mortified that my nipples were fully aroused, swollen and so pink they almost appeared dyed. I could tell he’d taken notice by the smirk on his face. When he started to slide his hand between my legs, I threw back my head.

“Relax, Candy. I’m not going to hurt you.”

At that moment, pain wasn’t what I was worried about. He dared to cup my cotton-covered mound, depressing the material with several fingers. He knew he was driving me crazy, his eyes darting up to mine every few seconds.

I wasn’t expecting him to lower his head, pressing his lips against the side of my neck. His touch scalded my skin immediately, hot flashes rolling through every cell in my body. He continued teasing me, sliding his fingers up and down my pussy as he nipped then bit down on my skin. The flash of pain was strangely alluring, my legs trembling as he growled, his deep baritone warming the rest of my body. He continued kissing me, pressing his lips against my collarbone and shoulder, lowering his head until he was able to take my hardened nipple into his mouth.

I was forced to grip his shoulders to keep from falling, my body swaying to the point I was fearful I would fall. He continued taunting me, kissing and licking, driving away the strangled fear. I wasn’t certain what he was trying to prove, but I never wanted him to stop.

Kirill shifted to my other breast, swirling his tongue around my nipple before pulling the tender tissue between his teeth. The second rush of anguish was just as exhilarating as the first, driving me into a beautiful wave of pleasure that I hadn’t expected. I was suddenly aware he’d dropped to his knees, trailing his fingers down my stomach until he gently rolled the waistband of my panties over my hips.

I sucked in and held my breath as he tugged on the fabric, gingerly rolling it down further until he was able to lift first one foot then the other, freeing me of the unwanted confines. I was bleary-eyed, incapable of processing why his touch felt so right when everything about the man was so entirely wrong.

He held my panties to his mouth and nose, taking a deep breath. I’d passed the point of being thoroughly embarrassed, his filthy actions arousing me even more.

“You’re very wet, printsessa. I would have to say you enjoy your body being commanded.”

Tags: Piper Stone Romance