Page 20 of Beautiful Villain

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He snorted. “As much as you do. They are bad news for Alexei and his endeavors. I have no doubt they know enough people to create a group of assassins. Even though they act like they don’t, they have a shitload of money. Their old man is formidable, his firm hold on the construction market a stumbling block. As I said, you already know all this.”

Stumbling block. If Michael Walsh was assassinated, it would alleviate several of the issues we faced. I’d suspected him the minute the warehouse had been attacked but proving it was something else entirely. “And the family? Do you know all of them?”

“One son is a highly respected and totally clean detective. The other children are considered disappointments to the high and mighty Michael Walsh. Why?” When I didn’t say anything, he burst into laughter. “Please don’t tell me you hooked yourself up with Walsh’s daughter. She’s beautiful but a real piece of work. Although not a bad idea, if you ask me. Am I right?”

“No, it’s not the daughter, but I do think she’s close to the family. Just a gut feeling. She works at Killian’s and lives downstairs under us.”

He stared at me for several seconds then looked away. Dimitre knew the family politics better than most. After he whistled, he shook his head. “I’m going to give you a piece of advice. Talk to Alexei. Don’t keep your relationship from him. He’ll be pissed if you do, and you know what happens when he gets angry.”

It was funny that he wanted me to talk to the brutal brother over the patriarch. He knew just how close my relationship had always been with the man, something else to piss Alexei off. When dealing with Alexei, even I tempered my dislike of him.

Crossing him wasn’t an option. People didn’t just disappear; their entire families did as well. Well, I had no family, at least that I knew of. They’d been taken from me years before during a massacre. I would never forget the blood staining my hands or the horrible sound of gunfire popping all around me. The screams of my family continued to echo in my ears, especially my little sister’s as she begged for me, her tiny cries of anguish changing me forever. “I don’t have a relationship with the woman. I’m just fucking her, and I intend on doing so as often as I fucking want.” I was starting to lose control around the edges and that couldn’t happen.

“Then it might be your funeral.”

“While I appreciate your concern, I’ll give you the same advice. Stay away from Tatiana. She would only cause you pain.” As the only daughter of the Kozlov Empire, she was off limits to everyone, including the hired help. While Dimitre hadn’t confided in me regarding his love for the girl he was tasked to protect, my keen observation skills had provided me the information he’d prefer to keep hidden.

He glared at me, prepared to offer a challenge. I simply kept the same expression on my face. We both knew the score, although it was often difficult to tolerate, let alone accept.

His laugh was just a way of hiding the truth. “Fine, Kirill. Have it your way, but don’t say I didn’t warn you.”

I moved from the small kitchen, heading for the bedroom to dress, my thoughts drifting to Candy and the night before. Tonight, I would gain answers. No matter the outcome, my questions would be handled.


* * *

The project was only a third of the way to completion, the new casino meant to rival those owned and operated by the Italians. The best architect had been hired, the sleek design and planned amenities likely to exceed every other facility located in New York or Atlantic City. With billions on the line, it was imperative the construction schedule was maintained.

The singular problem with achieving the goal was the fact the Kozlov family refused to hire union workers. They’d balked at the idea at least a half dozen times, preferring to use those whose loyalty could be easily measured and controlled by the family. The pay was good, the benefits even better, but the other side had added additional pressure.

“Just imagine. This time next year, we’ll be operational,” Alexei said as he stared out the window of the construction office.

“As long as there are no additional hiccups.” I could tell my statement annoyed the man, but he simply shook his head.

“You worry too much, Kirill. Nothing is going to stand in our way.”

His defiance was admirable but even he did wishful thinking. The threats were getting out of hand.

“This is just a meeting with Michael Walsh?” Dimitre asked.

Alexei gave him a look, grinning as he usually did when he had something up his sleeve. “Absolutely. For now. So far their threats have been everything I’d expected.”

“That too can change,” I muttered as I glared out the same window, noticing two of the superintendents heading quickly in the direction of the office. All three of us bristled as they walked in.

“Boss. I think we have a new issue.” Jeff Parker was a solid worker, never causing problems, but I still had my doubts about his full loyalty. He glanced from Dimitre straight to me, swallowing hard as he stared into my eyes. Why did I have a feeling the man was hiding something?

“What now, Jeff?” Alexei asked.

Jeff raked his hand through his hair. “It was after quitting time last night. I stayed late to handle some paperwork. Suddenly, two men walked into my office.”

“What two men?” I growled, inching closer.

“I don’t know. They wore masks and carried weapons.” Jeff was antsy as fuck, shifting from one foot to the other. The other man, some asshole I didn’t know, couldn’t find the balls to look us in the eyes.

A red flag was raised in my mind.

Alexei shot me a look, a curl forming on the corner of his mouth. “What did they say, Jeff?”

Tags: Piper Stone Romance