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“My mother called—and let it slip that she paid the security guard in my building to feed her information about me.”

“Major violation.Notokay.”

“Not okay at all.” I sighed. “She’s never respected boundaries. I know that, but this time it was different.”

“Different how?”

I looked around, wanting some measure of privacy. Luckily, it was late morning and there were no other customers in the section of the store I was in.

“I met someone,” I admitted.

“You did? When?” she demanded.

“A few weeks ago. It’s complicated. Well, I made it complicated.”

“You’re being super vague. Who is this guy?”

“He was my patient,” I admitted. “Which breaks so many rules.”

“Did you start dating when he was still your patient?”


“Then you didn’t really break any rules,” she pointed out.

“Yeah, I guess so.”

“Go on. I’m dying to know what’s going on. This is so exciting!”

I chuckled. “You sound like the nurses I work with. They’re all very determined to see me matched up. Anyway, he came over to pick me up for our date—” Debbie approached, appearing as if from nowhere. “Gimme a second,” I said to Quinn and held the phone away from my ear.

“Sorry, Linden,” Debbie said. “I couldn’t find the sheets for a king-sized mattress. Would you like me to order them for you?”

“That would be great, thanks.”

“I can have the dishware, comforter, and everything else sent to you.”

“Is express delivery an option?”


“Perfect.” I flashed a grateful grin and then dug through my purse for my wallet and pulled out a credit card. She rang me up on her touch-screen tablet, and I gave her my address. “Thanks for all your help, Debbie.”

“Come back anytime.” She smiled and then with a wave, she left.

I put the phone to my ear. “You there?”

“Yeah, I’m still here. I’m dying for the rest of this story.”

As I walked through Folson’s toward the exit, I told Quinn everything. I got through the parking lot and climbed into my car, setting my purse on the passenger side.

“I’m so proud of you,” she said.

“Proud of me? Why?”

“Because you’re getting out there. I was worried that you were moving to Dallas to bury yourself in your job.”

Tags: Emma Slate Blue Angels Motorcycle Club Romance