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I took the stairs down a few floors to the ER. Some of the beds had patients waiting to be seen by doctors on call, but it wasn’t pandemonium. There was a lull, which was good for humanity, but bad for doctors. Doctors had a hard time being idle.

“I got a page,” I said to the nurse on duty.

She gestured in the direction of a hospital cot, and I turned to see what she was pointing at.

Boxer was sitting on the bed, legs stretched out, a roguish grin on his face. I immediately rushed toward him in concern.

“Hey, darlin’,” he drawled. “Miss me?”

My heart jumped into my throat, but I forced myself to remain calm. “Miss you? I’ve forgotten what you looked like.”

He raised his brows. “Thinking about me nonstop?”

I sighed. “Are you in pain? Is that why you’re here? I knew it, you have an abscess full of pus. It’ll have to be drained, and it’ll be gross—you should’ve gone to a hospital in Waco—”

“Is this your version of foreplay?”

“Foreplay?” I blinked. “Who said anything about foreplay?”

He got up off the bed and crowded my space, but only so he could reach over me, grab the curtain, and shut it, concealing us from prying eyes.

“What are you doing here, if you’re not in pain?”

“I came to ask you out.”

“Ask me out? Why?”

“Because when a boy likes a girl, he often wants to spend time with her.”

“You spent time with me the other night,” I pointed out. “And then you…”

“I what?”

“Kissed me, didn’t ask for my number, and ghosted me.”

His smile widened into a devilish grin.

“What’s that grin for?” I demanded.

“You wanted me to get your number.”

“I wanted…” I sighed. “Darn it. You confuse me.”

“You’re not my type, Doc.”

His pronouncement stung, so I did what I always did to cover my hurt feelings: I tossed my hair over my shoulder and leveled him with a haughty stare. “Good. You’re not my type either.”

“Hmm. Judging by how you clung to me in the elevator, I beg to differ.”

I glared at him. “I can still want to kiss someone who’s not my type. Hormones are hormones.”

“Oh good, I’m about to get a biology lesson, aren’t I?”

“Why are you here?” I demanded. “You didn’t have to show up at the hospital just to tell me I’m not your type.”

“I had fun the other night.”

“You did?” I asked in surprise.

Tags: Emma Slate Blue Angels Motorcycle Club Romance