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I scattered the jacks and then dropped the ball, letting it bounce once. But in my haste to grab seven jacks in one hand, I knocked over my half empty martini glass, spilling vodka gimlet across the bar.

“Whoa there,” Boxer said, sliding back on his stool to miss being covered in a sticky mess. “Are you sure you’re the same woman who took out my appendix?”

Cheeks flaming, I hastily reached for the cocktail napkins that hadWRstamped in red on them. “To be fair, I hadn’t had any alcohol before your surgery.”

Johnny came to our rescue with a rag and cleaned up the spill with a smile and an air of professionalism. “Another drink?”

“God no,” I muttered. “I’m fine. Thanks.” I peered at the ornate clock behind the bar. “Is that the time? Crap, I need to get home.”

“Did you drive?” Boxer asked.

“I—yes. Dang. I can’t drive home.” I glared at him. “This is your fault.”

He looked amused. “My fault? How’d you figure?”

“You’re the one that told Johnny to keep the drinks coming.”

“You didn’t have to guzzle that last one.”

I gasped. “I donotguzzle.”

“You’re a guzzler. Face it, Linden, you’re no better than a frat guy doing keg stands.”

“I’m offended.”

“No, you’re not.”

“No, I’m not.” I sighed. “But I still can’t drive home. This is bad. I guess I can take a cab.”

He held out his hand. “I’ll drive you.”


“I’ll drive you,” he repeated.

“You’re not supposed to drive.”

“Says who?”

“Says me, remember?”

“I’m not on any painkillers, and I haven’t been drinking. My pain is at a five today. How far away do you live?”

I blinked at his rapid change of discussion. “I’m only about a ten-minute drive, actually.”

He flashed a grin. “I promise to get you home in one piece. Okay?”

“Okay,” I said on a sigh.

He held out his hand to me.

I took it.

Boxer chuckled. “I meant for you to give me your keys.”

“Oh.” Embarrassment washed through me, and I hastily dropped his hand. “The valet has them.” I grabbed my clutch and hastened toward the elevator, wobbling on my heels as I went.

What other stupid things was I going to do by the time he dropped me off at my condo?

Tags: Emma Slate Blue Angels Motorcycle Club Romance