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“One more day,” I said. “You’re responding well to the antibiotics, but I want to make sure there’s no infection before I discharge you.”

“Gas, infection, and you just said discharge.” He shook his head. “There’s no way in hell you’re ever gonna give me a chance once I get out of here, are you?”

“Give you a chance?” I arched a brow. “Give you a chance to do what, exactly?”

“Buy you an ice cream soda and ask you to wear my letterman jacket, of course. And if you’re really nice to me, I’ll even take you to the sock hop.”

“You know just how to treat a girl from the ’50s.” I chuckled. “I think you’re swell, but I don’t want the complication. Plus, you’re my patient, and that’s against the rules. Actually, I shouldn’t even be sitting here with you—”

“You think I’m swell?” he asked.

I rolled my eyes.

“Let’s get back to this idea that you think I’m a complication.”

“Men usually are.”

He raised his brows. “Maybe the kind you normally date. The ones who wear bowties and talk about stock portfolios.”

Totally nailed.

“You’re my patient,” I said. “I don’t date my patients.”

“After you discharge me, I won’t be your patient anymore.”

He had a point.

“So that just leaves your issue with thinking I’m a complication. I’m the least complicated guy you’ll ever meet. You clearly need a man you can blow off steam with. So how about it, Doc?”

“How about what?”

“How about we get together and—”

My pager vibrated against my hip, effectively ending the conversation that was rapidly spinning out of control. Because as much as I tried to ignore his banter and flirting, I was enjoying it immensely.

I stood up and set the half-eaten yogurt on the tray before checking the page. “I’ve got to go.”

“Damn. It was just getting interesting.”

I headed for the door.


I looked behind me.

“Think about it.”

“Think about what?”

He grinned. “Me. Naked. I’ve got tattoos you haven’t even seen yet.”

“You’re incorrigible.”

He reached for my yogurt. “You’re already thinking about it. I know it.”

Chapter 4

The doorto the on-call room opened and a bright shaft of fluorescent light poured in. I winced, propping one eye open.

Tags: Emma Slate Blue Angels Motorcycle Club Romance