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“So I’ve heard.” My eyes skated back to the television. Chief Nelson went to the TV and pressed the off button. The screen went dark.

He moved to stand at the end of my bed, drawing my attention to him.

“Peyton said you’re asking for more morphine. Are you in a great deal of pain?”

“If I say yes, will you give me another dose?”

He didn’t smile at my dry tone.

“The brand on your hip will scar and even with a laser, I don’t think it will ever be able to be completely removed. The wound in your arm was paltry, all things considered, and you don’t have any nerve damage, thank God. But your hand… Your hand is in a very bad state, Linden.”

“I’m aware.”

“We won’t know the extent of the damage until you’re healed and in physical therapy. What I’m saying is, don’t think the worst—”

“Don’t give me the party line,” I said. “I’m a doctor. I know about party lines. Give it to me straight.”

“I don’t think you’re ready for straight.” He cocked his head to the side and studied me. “The EMTs said you were hysterical when they tried to strap you to the gurney.”

“And?” I prodded. “Did they tell you the state they found me in?”

“Yes. And that’s exactly why I want you to talk to someone. A psychiatrist.”

“Which one? Dr. Meddlesome or Dr. Happy Pills? I’m not a fan of either.”

“You have to talk to someone.” He leaned forward. “I’ve been practicing medicine for the better part of thirty-five years. I’ve seen a lot of shit. I know what was done to you. This is serious. The cops are here.”

“I know.”

“They want to talk to you.”

“I’m sure they do.”

“Tell them what happened. The truth.”

“Here’s the truth, Chief Nelson. I was kidnapped off the streets. I was tortured, maimed, and released. I don’t know who did it or why. Wrong place, wrong time, I guess.”

He stared at me for a long moment. “The blond biker. Boxer… He’s your boyfriend?”

“He was. For a bit. He’s not anymore.”

“Doesn’t seem that way to me,” he said. “He hasn’t left your side since you came back from surgery.”

“You’re my boss,” I reminded him. “This isn’t any of your business. Now, where do we stand on more morphine?”

“Of course, we’ll modify your pain meds and take care of you, but I also want your word that you’ll talk to a professional about what happened to you. Even if they don’t work here.”

I turned my head so I didn’t have to look at him. “Please turn on the television on your way out.”

Chapter 31

“I already told you,”I said, trying to keep my tone from rising with anger. “I don’t know where I was or who kidnapped me. I just know I was somewhere in the desert of Mexico.”

The female detective looked at me like she didn’t quite believe me. Her partner, Detective Buckingham, was clearly playing good cop in this situation.

“I’m very sorry we had to ask you these questions, Ms. Ward. But we—”

“Doctor,” I interrupted.

Tags: Emma Slate Blue Angels Motorcycle Club Romance