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“Of course they did.”

“No, not in a joking way. About the night you came to me. They said their men…”


“Have been acting different. Like, across the board all the guys are bothered by something.”

“What did you tell them?”

“I was evasive.”

“You kept my confidence.”

“I did,” I agreed.

“Thank you,” he said quietly.

I looked up at him. “You can trust me, Boxer. Like I trust you.”

Chapter 26

“I’ll call when I can,”Boxer said. “It’ll probably be sporadic, though.”

I nodded. “I get it. I work tomorrow afternoon.”

“Feel free to text me any time. Pictures are great, too. Preferably dirty stuff. I like the dirty stuff.”

Laughing, I wrapped my arms around his neck. “I’m well aware.”

One of his hands grabbed my behind and the other snaked up my shirt and gently caressed my breast.

A zing of pleasure vibrated through my core. “Boxer, the boys are waiting for you.”

He sighed and slowly removed his hands from my skin. “I’ve already got plans for you when I get back.”

“Make a list,” I teased. “And I’ll make sure to stock your fridge with energy drinks.”

Boxer let out a booming laugh. “Damn, woman. You sure do make it hard to walk away from you.”

I stood on my toes so I could kiss him. Our relationship was new, and we were in the throes of pure obsession with one another. I hoped like hell it never waned. How did people stay together and not grow bored?

“Linden,” he growled against my lips. “When my tongue is in your mouth, I’d appreciate it if your brain could get the damn memo and stop thinking.”

“You and me both, boyo,” I joked. I pushed against his chest.

He reached for my hand and turned over my palm, dropping a set of keys into it.

“What’s this?” I asked in confusion.

“Keys to my place.”

“Keys to your—”

“Don’t get all weird on me,” he warned.

I stared at the keys for a moment. “You sure you’re ready for this?”

“I’m sure.” He grinned. “The question is, areyouready for this. And will you actually use them?”

Tags: Emma Slate Blue Angels Motorcycle Club Romance