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“You fucking hearing this, bro?” Conner asks, punching my arm.

I look up at him, my expression hard. I raise a brow at him, but all he does is roll his eyes and laugh.

I often wonder why I couldn’t be more like him. We’re twins, yet we couldn’t be more different in the personality department. He’s light and I’m dark. He’s the life and soul of the party and I’m the grim fucking reaper, ruining everything he touches.

I lift my beer to my lips without saying a word. I don’t need to. We might be different, but that doesn't mean we need words to communicate. We know. We always know. Which is why I at least expected him to question me, yet he’s made no attempt to even ask me about it. Not that any of us want to talk about him. The cunt who killed our mother and ruined our lives.

Whatever is playing on the TV continues, although none of us watch it. My eyes flit to my oldest brother to find his hand disappearing under his girl’s skirt.

Pushing from the couch, I slam my bottle down on the coffee table, making the love birds jump, and stalk from the pool house.

It’s still early—too early for the amount we’ve drank. The sun is just beginning to set and damn near blinds me when I look up toward the house.

Ellen, James’ housekeeper, is in the kitchen when I walk inside—no surprise there.

“Hey, sweetie. Can I get anything for you? I was just going to bring this lot down.” She gestures to two huge platters of food. It’s more than I’ve seen at a party, let alone snacks for the four of us.

“No, I’m fine. Thank you.”

Unable to resist, I swipe up one of the sandwiches as I

leave the room and shove it in my mouth.

I probably should eat. I don’t remember the last time I had a proper meal. Every day I get invited to our new family meals that James insists on… and every day I refuse. I don’t have the patience for playing happily ever after. It’s fucking bullshit.

I jog up the stairs, taking them three at a time. I should probably work out if I intend on keeping my place on the team, but I can’t be fucked with that right now.

Instead, I push through my bedroom door and lift my hand to my shirt to pull it off so I can shower, only the fabric doesn’t make it over my head before I’m stopped in my tracks.

“What the fuck do you think you’re doing?” I bark, staring at the girl lying on my bed like she fucking belongs there.

“Nice to know you missed me,” Hadley sasses.

“Get out.” I reach back and open the door I’d slammed behind me.

She pushes from her position and scoots to the edge of my bed. “Um…” She makes a show of thinking about it, which only feeds my anger at finding her in my space. “No.”

Swinging the door so hard its slam echoes around the room, I take a step toward her. She swallows nervously but doesn't cower away.

Stupid, stupid girl.

“What are you doing here, Hadley?”

“Waiting for you, obviously.” She rolls her eyes. The move makes my teeth grind and my fingers twitch.

“Why?” I grate out, already bored with this game she thinks she can play with me.

Hadley’s not stupid, but fuck, she’s got a few things to learn when it comes to me.

The only games I play are the ones I start. And I never lose.

“I’ve got a question I need to ask you.”

Why am I not surprised?

I take a step forward, bringing us almost within touching distance. Her eyes hold mine, her curiosity and defiance shining bright within her green orbs.

I close a little more space. Her sweet scent fills my nose, replacing that of the bitter weed I was surrounded by downstairs. My mouth waters, remembering how she tasted the last time I kissed her. Danger and impulsive decisions. Exactly what I’m addicted to.

Tags: Caitlyn Dare Rebels at Sterling Prep Romance