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“Just things.” He grips the wheel tighter. “So you didn’t see my brother last night?”

I narrow my eyes. If Cole or somebody else already told him I had and I deny it, it makes me a liar. But if I tell him and he doesn’t know the truth...

I decide to hedge my bets. “I have no idea what you’re talking about.”

Conner’s chuckle fills the car, and I sink back against the seat, closing my eyes. It’s too early to be caught in the middle of the Jagger twins.

“Whatever you say, Hadley, baby. Whatever you say.”

Thankfully Conner doesn’t try to push me for answers I don’t have, and before I know it, we’re rolling to a stop outside the huge house. Of course, it’s nothing compared to my parents’ house back in Gravestone.

“Home sweet home,” he murmurs, cutting the engine. “Remi will be in the pool house. Maybe me and Cole will come hang out later. We could have some fun again.”

I slide my gaze to his. “Don’t do that.”

“What?” He shrugs. “I’m serious.”

My body heats, remembering the way it had felt to be at their mercy. It isn’t something I want to repeat in a hurry, not now me and Cole are... well, whatever it is that we’re doing.

“Conner, I like you, I do, but...”

“You prefer Cole’s brand of fucked-up?” His brow quirks, but I find no malice there, only mild curiosity.

“I... I really don’t want to talk about this.”

“Yeah, yeah. I get it. The good guy always finishes last, huh?”


“Relax, I’m kidding. Cole is going through some stuff, fuck knows he won’t talk to me about it... but maybe, he’ll talk to you.”

“I wouldn’t be so sure about that,” I say quietly.

“All right then, maybe you can suck—”

“Thanks for the ride, Conner.” I shoulder the door and hurry from the car, his laughter following me.

I avoid going into the house and snake around the side of the property, slipping through the gate into the yard. Sure enough, I spot Remi through the windows. She sees me and waves but doesn’t bother getting up.

“Hey,” I greet her.

“Sorry, I would have gotten up but I’m a little sore, if you catch my drift.”

“Too much information.” Dropping down on one of the chairs, I kick off my sneakers and fold my legs under my body.

“Ace is insatiable. He asked me to do this thing—”

“Remi, I love you, but I really don’t want to hear the ins and outs of your sex life.”

“But who else will I tell?” She pouts. “Fine, I’ll be quiet if you tell me what happened between you and Cole last night.”


Crap. Crap. Crap.

“Nothing happened, I have no idea—”

“He left the party to go look for you.”

Tags: Caitlyn Dare Rebels at Sterling Prep Romance