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A tear slips from my eye as I slowly and quietly open the door. I’m almost clear when I hear him grumble, “Fuck, Hadley, just like that.”

I freeze, my heart skipping a beat.

He didn’t just...

I stumble out of there and take off down the hall, finding solace in the last bedroom. Dropping down on the bed, I inhale a ragged breath, forcing myself to calm down.

Maybe I misheard him.

Maybe my mind was playing tricks on me, and I only heard what I wanted to hear.

Or maybe not.

And maybe Cole is letting Marissa get him off because he’s too much of a coward to let me get close.

Damn you, Cole Jagger.

My head is foggy, my skin hot as the vodka floods my system. There is something very wrong with me, I know that. It’s not normal to watch the guy you’re crushing on get his dick sucked by another girl and feel desire pulse through you. But I’m different now.

Irrevocably changed all thanks to my parents and their friends... and him.

I immediately force those feelings down. If I let them in, they’ll drown me, pull me under until I can no longer breathe.

I need to get out of here. Maybe Hayden will walk me back to the dorms.

I move to leave the room, pulling the door open ready to return to the party beneath us, but instead of an empty hallway I find Cole waiting for me. Our eyes collide, his gaze dark and dangerous as he closes the space between us.

We stare at each other for what feels like an eternity, until eventually Cole speaks.

“You think I didn’t know you were there, watching?”

“I didn’t....” Words fail me, but I steel myself and stand, meeting his hard gaze. “Did you fuck her?”

“And if I did?” He stalks toward me, sliding his hand up my throat, his thumb brushing over the spot where he likes to leave his mark.

“I hate you.” Tears of frustration spring from my eyes, anger churning inside me.

“Good,” he taunts. “You should hate me. I’ll destroy you, Hadley. I’ll take every spec of light inside you and blot it out until there’s nothing left.”

“You think you’re the first big bad wolf I’ve ever had to deal with?” I spit, straining against his hand. It makes his fingers tighten, forcing the air from my lungs. But I don’t falter.

I need this.

We need this.

All the tension, the push and pull, it’s been leading to this point. I’m just pissed it’s taken Marissa to get here.

“Why can’t you just leave me alone?” he asks, or sighs, the words as if the very idea causes him torment.

“You want that? You want to spend your weekend getting your cock sucked by girls like Marissa? Fucking girls who couldn’t give a crap about you? Girls who couldn’t handle you?”

“And I suppose you think you can?” His lips curl with vicious intent.

I hesitate, narrowing my eyes. And then I say the two little words I know could be the match to light the fuse. “Try me.”

“I just let another girl suck my dick, and you want me to fuck you? I’m beginning to think you’re as twisted as me.” It isn’t a compliment, but his acknowledgment that we’re the same, plants a seed of hope in my stomach.

“You moaned my name.”

Tags: Caitlyn Dare Rebels at Sterling Prep Romance