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“Not on purpose anyway.”

“And who’s they?” I tap the card that came with the gift. The card I didn’t touch because opening someone else’s gift is totally normal but reading the card? That’s an invasion of privacy. “You didn’t even look at the card.”

“I don’t need to. It came from one of Hailey’s uncles.”

Ryker steps out of their office. “Princess, you need to make up your mind who is going to walk you down the aisle.”

“And stop getting deliveries of vodka?”

Deliveries she was not two minutes ago complaining about. Someone’s dragging her feet. Interesting.

Ryker grunts. “You need to set a date. I want you wearing my rings and my last name.”

“You don’t wear a last name,” she sasses.


I giggle. Whenever Ryker says babe, the conversation is over. It annoys Phoebe to no end, which naturally amuses me.

“Leaving, big guy?”

He leans down and kisses her forehead. “Be good. I’ll be back in a day or two.”

I wait until I hear the ding of the elevator before confronting Phoebe.

“Why are you dragging your feet about the wedding? I thought you loved Ryker and want to marry him.”

“I do.” She slumps in her chair. “But another wedding?”

I’m surprised she doesn’t want a wedding. The woman does love to dress up. “Then don’t have a wedding. Elope.”

“I can’t. I promised … Hold up.” She wags her finger at me. “How come it’s okay for you to ask questions about my love life but I can’t ask about yours?”

“Because I can obviously solve all your problems. Now, tell Suzie all about it.”

To my surprise, my tactic works.

“Ryker wants a wedding. I want to elope.”

“The man who just left this office would give you the world. I’m sure he’ll agree to elope if you give him the right incentive.” I wiggle my eyebrows.

“But I love him, and I want to give him everything he wants.”

“And he wants a wedding?” I’m surprised. I wouldn’t expect the big, bad bounty hunter to care one way or another as long as Phoebe is his in the end – his to protect, his to love.

“What’s wrong with having a wedding? You looked like you had a good time at Hailey’s wedding.”

“She had a fruit and bubbly bar. What’s not to love?”

I can’t argue with her there. I don’t drink champagne, but I couldn’t help but be impressed with the setup. Of course, the fact she also had cases of my beer didn’t hurt.

I refuse to be distracted. I drum my fingers on my desk and wait Phoebe out.

“Fine. I wasn’t allowed to give any input into my first wedding, okay? I have no idea how to put together a wedding.”

Is she serious? Ms. Always Perfectly Put Together is worried about planning a wedding? “Do you think Hailey knew how to plan a wedding before she started planning hers?”

“Please. Hailey has been dreaming of her wedding to Aiden since she first caught sight of the man. She knew exactly what she wanted.”

Tags: D.E. Haggerty Love will OUT Romance