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I narrow my eyes at him. How dare he? “I am not scared.”

He smirks. “Sure, you aren’t, Precious. Just like you aren’t backing away from me now.”

I force my feet to stop moving. “We agreed to not get married.”

“I never agreed to not getting married.” I open my mouth to tell him he’s wrong, even though it would be a lie, but he speaks before I get a chance to spew my lies.

“Suzie, Precious, I love you and I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I want to wake up every morning to your grumpy face. And fall asleep with you every night. I’ll let you hog the covers every night of the week.”

I cross my arms over my chest. “I am not grumpy in the morning and I don’t hog the covers.” And I never, ever lie. Not me.

Grayson ignores my comment. “I want to spend my days working on the marketing side of Shorty’s Brewing Sensation while you sweat away making new and exciting beers in your obnoxiously clean brew shack.”

“Hey!” Clean? Yes. Obnoxiously clean? No.

“But mostly I want to put my babies in you and watch your belly round with our children. I vote for starting our family immediately.” He waggles his eyebrows.

My eyes well and my hands shake. “Are you sure?”

“Am I sure?” He chuckles. “Look around you. Everything is arranged.”

He nods to the garment bag. “Your wedding dress is in there. The chapel is booked.”

He digs in his pocket and pulls out a jewelry box. “And the ring is bought.” He flips the box open and I gasp.

“I want you to always wear your ring and a solitaire would get in the way when you’re brewing.” When I don’t say anything, he starts to sweat. “We can get a solitaire if you prefer. There’s a jewelry store in the hotel.”

I snort. “There are probably several.”

“Okay.” He starts to stand. “We’ll go get you a solitaire then.”

I put my hand on his shoulder and push him down. “No.”

His face crumbles. “No? You won’t marry me?”

“No, I don’t want you to exchange my ring. I want that one.”

His face lights up. “Then, you’ll marry me?”

I bite my lip as I stare at the ring. Come on, Adult Suzie pushes. You know you want to say yes. Ugh. She’s right, the bitch. And we want to make babies! Little Susan shouts and starts to strip. Geez. Can I get married first?

“Yes.” Deep breath. “I will marry you.”

Grayson whoops before springing to his feet and pulling me into his arms. He twirls me around until I bat him on the shoulder. “My ring. I want to see my ring.”

“Such a girl,” he mutters.

The ring is gorgeous. It looks like two rings intertwined. On the front, there’s a gap between the intertwining two rings where three diamonds sit. It’s different and perfectly perfect.

The bell rings. “Your entourage has arrived.”


I’m still sputtering when an entire crew of women arrive.

“When exactly are we getting married?” I ask Grayson who is trying to sneak out of the room.

“In one hour.”

Tags: D.E. Haggerty Love will OUT Romance