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“What happens now?” I ask.

Aiden pushes me toward the office. “Now, you get changed for your performance.”

“We’re going to perform Pride and Prejudice? But I haven’t studied my lines.”

Aiden winks. “You’ll be fine. I believe in you.”

I open the door to the office to find Suzie and Phoebe waiting for me. They’re both wearing dresses typical of the Austen era. Bare necks and low necklines with short puffy sleeves, and long skirts embellished with lace. Suzie is holding a dress up for me. “Time to shine, drama geek.”

I quickly strip before putting the dress on. “At least we don’t have to wear bodiced petticoats and silk stockings and slippers.”

“Wouldn’t a bodiced petticoat help to create a bit of cleavage?” Suzie asks.

I glare at her before addressing Phoebe. “I’m not sure if I should be proud of her for knowing what a bodiced petticoat is or mad at her for pointing out my lack of bosom.”

Phoebe doesn’t answer me as she hands me a pair of ballerina slippers. “Put these on. I’ll do your hair.”

“Can anyone tell me what is going on?”

“Just go with it,” Suzie says as Phoebe brushes my hair.

Within five minutes I’m dressed like a stand-in for a Jane Austen movie with my hair in a typical Regency hairstyle. I’m breathing hard as if I’ve run a marathon. I wave my hands under my armpits to stop the nervous sweat trying to break free. “What now?”

Suzie pushes me toward the door. “Now, you act.”

I studied drama. I should be excited to be on stage. Spoiler alert – I’m not. Not when I haven’t studied my lines, and everyone is acting cuckoo for cocoa puffs.

Aiden is waiting for me at the end of the hallway. He’s changed into Regency era clothing as well. And he makes it look good. Way better than in any of those Pride and Prejudice movie remakes I’ve watched. And I’ve watched them all. Eat your heart out Colin Firth.

He holds out his arm. “Shall we?”

What the hell. I walk to him and place my hand in the crook of his elbow. We stroll into the bar and step onto the stage. I look around. The place is no longer empty. The chairs are now filled with all our friends and family.

“Are we seriously performing Pride and Prejudice for them? Did you memorize your lines?”

Aiden winks. “You’ll see,” he whispers before raising his head and calling out, “Lights!”

Everyone falls silent as the lights dim and a spotlight shines on us. “Thank you, everyone, for coming out tonight.” He waits until the clapping dies down before beginning again. “As you know, my Hailey loves to act and is obsessed with Jane Austen.”

“I wouldn’t say obsessed.”

“Totally obsessed,” Suzie yells out from somewhere in the back of the room.

“Anyway.” Aiden clears his throat. “I thought a play would be the perfect way to show her I’m here to stay.”

“And embarrass her father,” Pops yells out.

“What is this? Comedy hour?” I ask out of the corner of my mouth.

Aiden grabs my hands. “We’re going to do the final scene.”

“The prologue with an overview of the marriages of the three daughters? Am I Mrs. Bennet?”

He freezes for a moment before pointing to the corner. “Go over there.”

I walk to the corner of the stage. I’m confused. The final scene of the book is boring. Why aren’t we starting at the beginning with the sparring between the parents? I shrug. Apparently, this is Aiden’s show.

Aiden motions to me to walk toward him. I only just walked away but whatever. “My dear Hailey—”

Tags: D.E. Haggerty Love will OUT Romance