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Chapter 4

If you wanted me to hire a cleaner, you could have said so. ~ Text from Suzie to Hailey

I’m surprised to find the offices to You Cheat, We Eat locked the next morning. Suzie is usually at her desk long before I arrive on the scene. Unlike Ms. Cheery, I am not a morning person. I tend to saunter into the office after nine. But Suzie is always at her desk at 8 o’clock on the dot. I check my watch. Huh. It’s not even eight yet. This has to be a personal record, but no way was I spending another minute in bed tossing and turning trying not to think about a certain handsome but annoying detective.

I unlock the door and push it open before flicking on the lights. When my eyes catch sight of the room, I start backing up. Shit. Shit. Shit. What the hell happened here? The place is a freaking disaster. There are papers strewn every freaking where. Not an inch of bare space is to be seen. Suzie is going to be pissed. But, first things first, I pull out my phone and call the non-emergency number for the police department to report a burglary.

You’d think as a private investigator I’d have some ‘contact’ on the force, but that’s bullshit made up by the movies. Besides, I don’t have much of a need for the police. I investigate cheating spouses and insurance claims. You know the claims I’m talking about. When a worker says he was injured on the job and can’t work anymore, but in reality, the guy is running marathons. Not stuff the police usually get involved in. Although it is technically fraud, most insurance companies don’t pursue it as such. They’re just happy not to have to part with their precious cash.

Once I get off the phone with the police, I text Suzie to tell her there’s no rush this morning. I don’t mention the burglary, but the woman has been my best friend since grade school. She can read between the lines.

Do I need to get donuts for the coppers?

See what I mean? I don’t bother responding. She’ll do what she wants to anyway. Besides, I could totally go for a cinnamon twist.

I haven’t been waiting in the hall long before two uniformed police officers come rushing out of the elevator with their weapons drawn. Overreact much? I wave and point to my offices.

The duo races into my offices. I don’t follow. I know better. I may not work with the police often, but I did take some police procedure classes when I decided to become a private investigator. Although you can get licensed without taking any classes, you only need to pass a licensing exam, I thought it would be helpful to take a few classes before sitting for the exam and starting my business.

I hear shouts of “Clear!” before the police officers return. Thank my lucky stars, their weapons are now holstered.

“These your offices?”

Before I get a chance to answer, the elevator doors open again. I glance over, expecting to see Suzie arrive with some coffee and donuts. Instead, my eyes fall upon the one person in the entire city I do not want to see. You guessed it – Aiden Barnes. Twice in two days. Guess my stars aren’t lucky after all.

Unlike my calm, cool, and collected head, my body lights up like a Christmas Tree at the sight of the hunky detective. My body doesn’t care he doesn’t remember who we are or about how he humiliated us in high school. Nope, the hussy is all hot and bothered for the man.

“Detective Barnes.” There. I didn’t sound like a lovesick fool. Go me.

“Hailey McGraw.” Aw, someone did his homework. Aren’t we impressed? Nope. Big whoop-de-doo.

“You want to tell me what happened here?” He motions to my offices. His eyes widen and his lips tip up when he catches sight of the name of my firm. People either think the name, You Cheat, We Eat, is hilarious or – if they’re my dad – think it’s demeaning.

I shrug. “Not sure. I arrived about fifteen minutes ago to this mess. I called the police. End of story.”

“And the door was locked when you arrived?”

“Of—” I stop. “Now I’m thinking about it, only the doorknob lock was engaged. The deadbolt wasn’t.”

“Which means someone definitely broke into your office.”

What did he think? I came in here and made a giant mess and then called the police. I open my mouth, intent on telling him exactly what breed of idiot I think he is, but the elevator dings and Suzie walks out. She’s carrying a huge box of donuts and a carton of coffees. Yes! Coffee! Give me all the coffee. As she rushes to us, she stumbles and seems to trip on air. She starts to go down. Oh shit, the coffee. Before I can move, Aiden is there steadying her arm.

“Thanks, Aiden.” Her eyes dilate in interest as she looks him up and down.

He smiles at her. A full-blown smile. “Any time, darling.”

A pit of acid churns in my stomach. What the hell? Who is he calling darling? Wait. Stop. I refuse to be jealous. I will not demean myself by being jealous of a man I do not want smiling at my best friend. Nope. I refuse.

“You got a cinnamon twist in there for me?” I ask to stop the weird thoughts churning in my head.

Suzie steps back from Aiden and rolls her eyes at me. “No, of course not. How could I know you wanted a cinnamon twist when it’s the only donut you ever eat? Here.” She hands me the box of donuts.

I pull out a twist and grab a coffee. I take a large gulp before tearing off a piece of cinnamon goodness and shoving it into my mouth. Yum. Just what the doctor ordered.

My moment of tranquility is ruined when she screams, “What the hell happened here? I am not cleaning this up. Whoever made this mess can get their ass back in here and clean it up.”

“Sure, Suze. I’ll get right on finding the burglar, so he can return and clean up his mess.”

Tags: D.E. Haggerty Love will OUT Romance