Page 49 of Grump Daddy

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Shit. My heart jumps into my throat. Sheknows? I don’t know what happened with him and Olivia. I don’t know if I have destroyed their relationship just as they were building it. Guilt washes over me as I try to find the right words to make it right. But when the right words won’t come, the tears start flowing down my face instead.

“I’m so sorry, Olivia. I didn’t mean for it to happen, it just did.”

“I know, I know. Like I said I talked to my dad about it. I know that things just kinda happened, but I also know my father cares about you alot. A real lot.” She’s smiling as she says this, which is absolutely crazy.

How the hell can she be grinning like this? It’s utter madness. “I understand that the feelings just came out of nowhere. That’s actually why I sent Dad away. I know that he wanted to be here for you when you woke up, but I figured it was best that you and I had a chat first. We have a lot to discuss.”

I nod slowly. “I know, and I have a lot to apologize for…”

“No, that isn’t what you need to do,” she assures me. “What you need to do is have a think about what you want to do next. You’re having a baby, with my father. Which I guess means you’re going to give birth to my sibling…” She pauses before letting out a little laugh. “Yeah, that’s something, but we will deal with that later on. We have time.”

This time we both laugh. It’s a weird situation, but if we can laugh about it then that’s something. It’s a step in the right direction at least. Everything is messy right now. It’s going to take some time for us to work through this.

All of us.

“So, what is that going to mean for you and Dad?”

I can’t believe what Olivia is asking me. My head nearly falls off with shock. “Are you really asking me that, Olivia? Do you know how wild that is?”

She offers me a one shouldered shrug. “I don’t know. I’m starting to see that love can come from the weirdest of places. That it doesn’t necessarily have to make sense to anyone else, as long as it makes sense to you and the person that you’re with.”

“Is there something you aren’t telling me?” I ask her curiously.

Her cheeks redden. “Yeah, maybe there is. Maybe I am also in the middle of a bit of a relationshipthingthat I probably shouldn’t be in…with my boss.”

“Really?” I gasp. “Are you serious? That’s wild.”

“I know, and I get that it’s someone I shouldn’t be dating, but on paper, Leon was perfect for me, and look how that turned out. Not well. So I’m trying something new. I’m dating someone who isn’t right for me on paper to see where that goes.”

I ask Olivia to tell me all about it, and I can’t help but notice the way she lights up like crazy as she talks about him. I can see a real change in her as she talks about her boss.

That’s exciting and actually really lovely. I do hope things works out for her, I really do.

Is that how happy I look when I talk about Elijah? If I was ever able to talk about Elijah, of course, because things haven’t exactly been that way for me. And now I’m having his baby. The man who I – unfairly – called a bad father is now going to be the father of my child.

Life is crazy.

I don’t know what is going to happen tomorrow, that much is for sure.

“So, Is,” Olivia finally says, her expression shifting to one of concern once more. “What do you think you want to do when you get out of here? Do you want me to keep my dad away from you while you figure things out… or do you want to go to him? Because that’s an option too, right? You can always just find a way to be together.”

Be together.

That is a concept I haven’t allowed myself to believe ever since we first locked eyes, but now it’s there in front of me. I’m at a crossroads, and I need to work out which path I want to go down…



A baby?Isabella is having a baby? I never thought that would be the outcome of today. My head is spinning. And not just with the news, but with the conversation I had with Olivia afterward. The fact that, weirdly, she wasn’t filled with hatred about the whole thing.

I mean, she has every right to be furious about all of this. It could really mess her up to know that the time I should have been spending focused on her, I was falling for Isabella instead.

Just because we got to where we needed to be in the end, doesn’t make it right.

I seduced her best friend, I did everything we shouldn’t have, I never even tried to stop it, and now…well, now this is happening.

Now, I’m having a baby with Isabella.

Tags: Lisa Ryan Billionaire Romance