Page 45 of Grump Daddy

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That just leaves me feeling even more breathless as I collapse into the room and click the door closed behind me, blocking everything out, especially him.

Knock, knock. knock.

Damn it, it must be Olivia. I thought she was sleeping, but I guess she caught me running away. I want a moment alone, but if she needs me then I’ll be there for her, whatever I can do. I click the door back open sacrificing my privacy, for her to come racing inside…

“Oh!” But it’s a massive shock when it isn’t her.

It’s Elijah. Instantly I’m struck with the same sizzling heat I felt with him when we last crashed into one another on the plane. Only this time I can’t even think about transforming my feelings into anger. I’m too mixed up in how much I feel for this man, how badly I want him.

But I thought we’d made an agreement yesterday that we were done, that we stopped absolutely everything on Laucala Island. So why is he coming towards me with that all too familiar hunger in his eyes? I should resist, but I’m frozen to the spot. No, frozen is the wrong word. I’m burning up alive and I need him already.

He takes my cheeks in his hands, allowing me to sink deeper into his gaze.

Fuck, this is out of hand, isn’t it? I can’t stop myself from pushing up onto my tip toes to close the gap, so I can taste him just one last time. I know our rendezvous in the ocean was supposed to be our last time, but maybe the mile-high club is where we end things.

“Oh, Isabella.”

He says so much with those two words.

So much we can’t say but want to. But his fingers speak even more as he hooks his fingers underneath the hemline of my dress and tugs it up over my head. I’m used to being naked, or half naked in front of him now, but I don’t think I will ever truly get used to the way he makes me feel like a goddess with the way he runs his eyes all over me. I fucking love the way he wants me.

No one has ever wanted me like he does, and I know no one ever will again. These hungry possessive eyes will never come my way again which actually fucking breaks me.

I drop to my knees and unbuckle his trousers, so I can taste him once more. If we’re really going to do this then I want more memories of all of him. As I wrap my lips around him to taste his sweet, salty taste, I also run my fingers underneath his balls.

Ooh, he loves this. His cock twitches between my lips as my name rolls off his tongue with each and every stroke. I keep my eyes firmly fixed upon his face as I brush broad strokes of my tongue over his erection, while tickling his sac.

“Wait, wait,” Elijah gasps breathlessly, pulling my lips off of him before I can get too excited. “Wait, there is something else we can do. Give me a moment.”

Anticipation floods my veins. I don’t knowwhathe has planned for me, but I am all for it. Especially since he’s yanking his trousers off and lying down on the vibrating floor of the plane as it soars high through the sky.

I take my panties off too, just at the right moment because Elijah grabs my hips and drags me backward so I’m hovering over his mouth. All of a sudden, it becomes clear just what he’s planning.

Fuck, I like it. I am game for this for sure.

It certainly isn’t what I thought I was going to get as I escaped to the bathroom for a moment alone, but Goddamn it, this is so much better. I would much rather be with him than by myself.


I press myself down onto his mouth so he can taste my clit from here, I dip my head down also, so I can keep on tasting him just like I was before. The fact that we’re both moaning in sheer ecstasy only adds to the pleasure, it intensifies everything and makes it too much.

I want to hold on to this moment of pleasure for as long as I can.

But it’s impossible. I can’t stop myself from tumbling into heaven all over again, just as Elijah does the same thing. I don’t know who is more enthusiastic, me or him, but I do know he’s not the only one who ejaculates into my mouth.

My body reacts in exactly the same way as well.

By the time we collapse on the floor of the plane bathroom together, gasping for air like we’ve been starved of oxygen for far too long, I can see a similar sheen on his lips as there is on mine as well.

We’re matching in a really crazy way.

I let out a little laugh, one that’s almost hysteria because I can’t quite get my head around any of this. Rationally I know exactly what has to happen from here, we have both known it the whole time, but I still can’tthinkstraight.

Elijah Agnor really does know how to make my body experience things it never has before. I roll towards him and kiss him, even though I know I probably shouldn’t. I hold his cheeks in my hands and kiss him a couple more times, committing each moment of this to memory. Because really, this is so naughty, thishasto be the last time we’re ever together. We’ve treaded the tight rope far too many times and gotten lucky.

I don’t think we will get another shot so we have to take everything that we can get right here, right now, before it all falls apart and we’re left alone to pick up the pieces.

Urgh, I am not looking forward to that.

Tags: Lisa Ryan Billionaire Romance