Page 8 of Daddy's Searching

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Everyone’s mouths had dropped open as they looked at Pete, except for Knox, who shook his head in resigned disbelief.

“What happened?” Sharon asked.

“The police arrived quickly,” Alan assured them. “Daddy kept her occupied with questions while another guy called.”

“Wait. She didn’t have any IDs, but she had all this other stuff under her real name. Why didn’t she use a fake name?” Belinda asked.

“Her law degree was under her real name,” Pete informed them.

Everyone sat in stunned silence for a few seconds before Sharon piped up, “I’d like to point out that this wasn’t anyone I found for the legal department.”

The group dissolved into laughter.

“That makes my encounter with the soup a lot less splashy,” Cynthia pointed out, making everyone groan at her play on words.

Belinda hid a yawn before dropping her crust on the plate. She never ate that part. “I’m going to have to call it a night. See you all tomorrow.”

As she stood, Pedro joined her. “I’ll call it an evening as well. Thank you for letting me join you,” he told the group.

As everyone assured him he was welcome anytime, Belinda tossed her crusts and plate into the trashcan and retrieved her heels. She walked quickly to the elevator and called it. Maybe she could get upstairs before Pedro could finish chatting with the others. She didn’t know what it was about him.

Just as the doors opened, he walked toward her. “Hold the elevator, please.”

Pushing the button to keep the doors open, Belinda pasted on a smile. “Press your palm on the screen and it will take you to your floor,” she explained.

“I think Knox set it up for me. Let’s see,” Pedro said as he followed her directions.

The door shut, sealing them in together. Pedro stationed himself against the wall by the panel as Belinda eased away to lean against the far side. She tried to ignore his magnetic presence, but it was hard as he looked at her. The silence was deafening inside the car.

When her floor appeared, Belinda positioned herself in front of the doors to make a quick escape. She stepped out into the hall as soon as they opened. Pedro followed her out.

“You don’t need to walk me to my apartment. It’s super safe here,” Belinda assured him.

“I’m glad to hear that. I’m heading to my apartment. It’s seven twelve.”

Two apartments down from her? At least he wasn’t right next door.

“It’s strange there’s no seven ten. Knox said something about the way they’d set up the apartments—some numbers are missing.”

Belinda processed that she’d never gone past her door to check out the numbers. That means he’s right next door.

As they approached her door, Belinda waved her shoes at him. “This is me. Enjoy your evening.”

“I’ll look forward to meeting with you soon. Sleep well, Belinda.”

Stepping inside, she closed the door and leaned against the hard barrier. Belinda closed her eyes. She had to control her reaction to being close to him. Attending Pedro’s lectures at a distance had mesmerized her. Being this close was dangerous. What was she going to do?

When no simple answer came to her, Belinda forced herself away from the wooden surface. Shower and bed. She wouldn’t come up with a good solution tonight. Her mind was too blown.

Tags: Pepper North Romance