Page 45 of Daddy's Searching

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Purring woke her the next morning. Tinkerbell’s inquisitive paw tapped her nose in a deliberate attempt to wake her. Belinda didn’t want to leave the warm nest that snuggled around her. “Go away, kitty. I’ll play later. Promise.”

“Once he knows you’re awake, he’s going to pester you until you pet him,” Pedro’s low voice smoothed over her.

“He’s spoiled, huh?”

“He’s just a furry Little boy who knows what he wants,” he teased. When he pressed stubbly kisses against her neck, she wiggled against him.

“Daddy, you need to shave!” Belinda protested as she scratched the sides of the cat’s face.

“You don’t like my whiskers? Let me show you how fun they can be.” Pedro scooted backward as he rolled her over on her back. “Morning, mi corazón!”

Pedro kissed her deeply. His tongue swept into her mouth as she gasped in surprise. Belinda wove her fingers through his thick hair and held on as she tried to hold on to reality as he seduced her with sweet and demanding kisses. She never knew what to expect, but knew that she’d love it.

When he lifted his head, she rubbed a hand over the chafed skin around her mouth. “That’s pokey. I don’t see how that’s fun.”

“Daddy will show you.”

Pedro lowered his mouth to kiss the hollow of her throat and pinched the front of her shirt at her waist. Pressing fiery kisses and small nibbles on her skin, he pulled the large T-shirt down, revealing her skin inch by inch as he tasted her. After a few preliminary kisses, Pedro pulled the neckline down to loop under her breast.

She opened her mouth to protest, but he captured her nipple between his lips and rolled it before sucking the peak into his mouth. Belinda arched her back to get closer to the sensation.

“No!” she protested when he lifted his head and released her nipple with a pop.

“I’m not finished here, Little girl. Just wait.” He rubbed his chin lightly over the tip. His whiskers chafed her in a captivating way.

“Ooo.” She’d never expected the bristles would feel so good. When he kissed the curve beneath her breast, Belinda closed her eyes at the sensation of his budding beard rasping over her skin.

“My Little girl likes a bit of pain with her pleasure,” he purred against her skin.

Belinda shook her head quickly to refute that statement.

“Don’t lie to Daddy,” Pedro corrected her with a stern look that made her clench her thighs together as she remembered him spanking her.

“Let’s get this shirt off,” Pedro encouraged. He pulled the garment up her body and over her head, with Belinda curling up off the mattress to help him.

“Beautiful,” he praised, looking over her body as he tossed the shirt somewhere in the room. He lowered his lips to her other breast to repeat his caresses on that side as well.

When he lifted his head, Pedro stroked down her body to rest his hand over her adult curls. “Corazón, would you like Daddy to make love to you?”

“Could you go slow?” she whispered, a grain of fear from the unknown lurking in the back of her brain.

“Baby girl, I wouldn’t rush this for anything,” he assured her. His solemn expression morphed into a slow wolfish grin that made her heart beat faster.

Suddenly, she wanted to see all that he could offer her. That small bit of fear of the unknown diminished as she focused on the magnetic man above her. Being brave, she braced herself on one elbow and wrapped a hand around his neck. “You’ll teach me how to please you?”

“Oh, you please me, Little girl. We’ll figure everything out together.”

He slowly yielded to her gentle pressure to draw his mouth to hers. The anticipation gave her time to replay his words. They’d figure it out together. She liked that.

When his lips captured hers, Belinda put all her longing into that kiss. She wanted him to know how much he turned her on and that she’d only taken this step with him. His wordless response made her toes curl with excitement as he focused completely on her.

Drawing away, Pedro looked down at her. He brushed her hair from her face before placing kisses down her slender throat. She felt his touch sweep from her hip to cup her breast. One callused thumb brushed over her nipple as he created a trail of kisses ending at the sensitive underside of her breast. Belinda shivered as his tongue swept over it to reach his target. Now totally focused on the secondary sensation of his whiskers, she shivered underneath him as she lifted her pelvis toward him, willing him to stoke the fire already building between her thighs.

“Soon, Little girl,” he promised her as he continued that steamy path of kisses and caresses until he braced himself on his elbows between her legs.

Belinda met his gaze as he looked over her body to her face. His eyes were dark and fiery with need.

Tags: Pepper North Romance