Page 19 of Daddy's Searching

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“Oh, you delight me, Little girl. It’s time for me to take you home. We will need to savor making love for the first time. This sporty car is incredible to drive but not so suited to pleasuring you.”

He straightened her hair with a few strokes of his hand before reaching across her to drag the protective belt into place across her body. With his restored as well, Pedro shifted the car into drive and maneuvered the car through the evening traffic. His hand wrapped around her knee and squeezed slightly, as if he needed to touch her.

“You knew that was coming?” she asked a few minutes later after catching herself unconsciously tracing her lips with a shaking finger.

“I suspected that our connection would be combustible,” he confirmed.

His hand stroked over the silky material covering her thigh. He did not make any moves to slide underneath, but her body reacted as if he touched her skin. She tried not to clench her thighs together to keep from cluing him in about the effect he had on her as she felt her panties becoming wet.

“It’s okay, Little girl. My body also responds to you,” he assured her softly as he pulled up to the guard shack at the entrance to the Edgewater campus.

She watched him reach behind the seat to grab a small blanket. He dropped it on his lap as he stopped. His motion drew her attention to the front of his trousers. Immediately, she blinked her eyes closed.

Surely not.

His chuckle assured her that her assessment had not been wrong. The arrival of the guard thankfully gave her a minute to regain her composure.

“Evening, Belinda. This must be Edgewater’s newest employee. I’m Sebastien, Mr. Morales.”

“Hi, Sebastien. Call me Pedro, please. It’s nice to meet you.”

“Welcome to Edgewater Industries, Pedro. Have a good evening,” Sebastien said as he stepped back from the car to allow Pedro to drive through the gate.

“I like that there’s a human on duty to make sure everyone is safe.” He returned the blanket decorated with white paw tracks to the back and Belinda glanced behind him to find a small cat-sized cage filling the small storage spot.

“Tink always needs a blanket over his cage to comfort him when he rides behind me.”

“I really am the first passenger in this seat?”

“Yes. Tink doesn’t explore in the car. He’s brave while the ground isn’t moving, but while I’m driving, he’s hiding.”

Belinda struggled not to look back to see if her previous assessment had been correct. To distract herself, she played tour guide. “There are three towers and a variety of smaller buildings around the campus. Individual houses are located a short distance that way. There’s plenty of space to expand.”

“I will look forward to seeing Edgewater’s future,” Pedro said, pulling into a parking spot and turning off the car. He exited and rounded the back of the car to open her door.

Keeping her gaze glued to his face, she thanked him for his assistance. Pedro fell into step beside her. That warm hand settled on her lower back and steered her into the building. They stopped so she could introduce him to the new security man on duty at the desk before heading toward the elevator.

Standing in front of the metal doors, it felt awkward to know that they walked toward apartments right next to each other. When the elevator opened, she stepped in automatically and pressed the correct floor before moving to the side. Pedro followed suit but took a spot next to her.

The doors swished closed and he pulled her close to plant a fiery kiss on her lips. Pressed against his hard body, she wrapped her arms around his neck and clung to him for support. No barriers divided them now. Belinda reveled in the feel of his strength against her. There was no mistaking his body’s reaction to her closeness. His arousal matched her own. When he stepped back, without thinking, she moved to follow him.

He gestured at the elevator door, which had opened without her noticing. Blushing, she turned blindly to walk out. Pedro’s hand slid to her lower back to guide her down the hall.

At her apartment, Pedro turned her toward him and kissed her lightly before meeting her gaze directly with his deep brown eyes. “I’ve thrown a lot at you today. I have a feeling that the world seems a bit wonky tonight.”

She nodded without meaning to as her thoughts jumbled in her mind. How had this man gone from her career idol to her colleague to her potential Daddy in just a few hours?

“I’m really sorry I called you Daddy like it was a joke. Do you forgive me?”

“Invite me inside, Little girl. I know what you need to feel better,” Pedro instructed in a tone that did not allow her to refuse.

Belinda pressed her finger against the sensor and walked inside as he pushed the door open. “What…?”

“Little girls who try to deflect their emotions tumbling inside them need to learn how to express their feelings,” Pedro told her, walking forward.

She stared at him in fascination. “How do you know what’s happening inside me?”

“I don’t know,” he confessed. “There’s a connection between us that grows stronger every moment we’re together.”

Tags: Pepper North Romance