Page 15 of Daddy's Searching

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“How did you know?”

“It isn’t hard to read your body language, Belinda. Your gaze returned to that listing on the menu repeatedly and your eyes widened when he announced the special.”

“You are very observant.” Belinda didn’t know whether it was spooky that he watched her so closely or incredibly flattering.

“Definitely when people are important. A treat is good for the heart and soul every once in a while.”

“Thank you. I really wanted to try that.” She took a sip of the delicious wine for courage before whispering, “Can you tell me now why you keep calling me Little girl?”

“How long have you known you were Little?” he asked gently, covering her hand on the white tablecloth.

“I don’t know what you mean,” Belinda said quickly, trying to control her surging pulse. He couldn’t know, could he?

“Breathe, Belinda. It’s okay. No one can hear us. How about if I go first?”

She nodded immediately.

“I’ve always known that I was different from other men. My desires are deeper and based on the need to care for someone in a very intimate way. I researched this feeling, reading and visiting adult clubs, just as I would investigate a new threat or weakness. Soon I knew I needed to be a Daddy for a very special Little girl.” He leaned away and nodded at the approaching waiter to warn Belinda.

Mirroring his shift to sit straight, Belinda watched as the server placed a beautiful salad in front of her. Scattered with blue cheese and house-crafted croutons with just enough creamy dressing but not too much, the salad looked delectable. “This is so pretty. I don’t want to eat it.”

“Maybe if I take this crouton away,” Pedro suggested as he stabbed one toasted bread cube with his unused fork, “it will ruin the image and you’ll be able to eat it.” He popped it in his mouth and chewed with obvious enjoyment.

“That’s no fair. I love croutons,” she protested.

“Help yourself,” he offered, scooting his salad closer to her.

Without hesitating, Belinda pressed the tines of her fork into his chubbiest bread cube and ate it. “Yum!” she mumbled as she chewed. “Thanks.”

“What’s mine is yours, Little girl,” he assured her.

Belinda took a bite of her delicious salad to give herself time to think. Pedro wasn’t being pushy. He sounded completely sure. Did she give off some kind of ‘I want to call you Daddy’ vibes?

“Whatever that thought was, I’d love to hear it.”

“No,” burst from her lips before she realized what she was giving away.

“Why do you think I’m Little?” She forced herself to whisper the question floating around in her mind.

“It’s not because you have something written on your face or the way you present yourself to the world,” he assured her.

“Then how do you know?” she asked before automatically taking a bite of the salad in front of her.

“Have you ever looked at a display of desserts and known which would taste the best?”

“Of course. I always choose chocolate. That’s my favorite.”

“Exactly. Have you ever walked into an office filled with several people and known who you would click with as a friend?”

“Yes, but I know what kind of person matches my personality. Sometimes they fool you, but I think I’m an excellent judge of character,” she added.

“Imagine if you’ve been searching for someone special for a long time,” he suggested. “I’ve been a Daddy for as long as I can remember. I’ve developed a sense as well about people. Those I need to watch because they’re dangerous or a risk, those who are dependable and honest, and those who are special.”

“You think I’m one of the special ones?”

“I’m confident that you’re special and I have a strong suspicion you’re mine.”

She stared at him, trying to control her expression and fearing he could read her mind. Finally, she admitted, “I don’t know what to say.”

Tags: Pepper North Romance