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Griffin watched Sheriff Booker Bodine from the narrow front window as he screeched his Crown Vic to a stop at the curb, slammed the car door, and marched into the station, his hand hovering over his Beretta clipped to his belt. His face was set, his mouth working—was he talking to himself? Griffin saw no fear, only rage in his eyes, and a big barbecue stain on his shirt. Then he stopped, looked around, saw the FBI van, and drew a deep breath. Good, he realized he was going up against something more powerful than he was, something he couldn’t control. Griffin watched him square his shoulders, thrust out his chin.

Sheriff Booker Bodine was met by six hard faces, three men and three women, all in FBI flak jackets, holding submachine guns at the ready in their gloved hands. An older woman with her hands on her hips stepped forward, her smile as cold as her eyes. Behind them he saw Hammersmith with DeSilva beside him, next to the water fountain, their backs to the wall. He didn’t see Fayreen, Brewster, or Jewel.

So the pretty boy had juice. He’d managed to bring the FBI in force into his town. Hell’s bells, as his mother would say to his father when she was pissed. This crew looked tough, probably as soon shoot him as say good evening. He let his hand flit over his Beretta anyway.

He stared at the tall, fit woman with her short salt-and-pepper hair slicked back from her face, no makeup, and aviator glasses. Was she trying to look like a man?

He smiled at her and tried his best to sound like God. “I am Sheriff Booker Bodine. Who are you?”

Kraus handed him her creds. “I’m FBI Special Agent Bettina Kraus, special agent in charge of the Richmond Field Office.”

Booker studied her ID, handed it back to her, and swallowed bile. “I would like to know why you have invaded my station house and why you look ready to go to war.” He stabbed a finger at Griffin and Carson. “And why those two are out of their cell where they were rightfully placed. They’re being held for questioning, and I have every right to do that.” Out went his chin.

None of the agents changed expression.

Kraus said, “First, Sheriff, I would like to know why you refused to accept Agent Hammersmith’s credentials and incarcerated him instead, and why you didn’t call to verify his identity. And why you haven’t placed a guard on a man accused of kidnapping Dr. Carson DeSilva. This man, Rafer Bodine, I understand is your nephew?”

Don’t throw your weight around, Booker, Jess had told him before he’d left. Be calm and logical, better to butter the bread and pour on the honey. He pointed to Griffin, said in a calm deep voice, “Ma’am, Agent Kraus, this man does not look like an FBI agent. However, if you say he’s legitimate, who am I to say? But it makes no sense to me you’d let him into law enforcement. And that girl—”

Griffin said, “Sheriff, are you really referring to Dr. DeSilva?”

Bodine looked like he wanted to shoot Griffin right this minute, or choke him, but he sucked it up, raised his chin even higher, and pointed to Carson. “That woman shouldn’t be free. She’s a danger to our law-abiding citizens. Look, Agent Kraus, I had good cause to throw them in jail. They put a young man in the hospital, a man well known and well liked in Gaffer’s Ridge.”

Kraus said, “I understand Agent Hammersmith and Dr. DeSilva told you what this young man did, this young man who also happens to be your nephew?”

“Yeah, sure I listened to their lame story. It was full of holes and inconsistencies and flat-out lies. I didn’t believe a word of it and neither did anyone else who knows Rafer. So look, it appears I will have to release Agent Hammersmith if you vouch for his identify. I will, however, keep her”—he tossed his head toward Carson—“under lock and key. By her own admission, she struck Rafer Bodine on the head with a pipe, a blow that could have killed him. It is my right and my responsibility as sheriff of Gaffer’s Ridge to protect my town and its citizens. So you may escort Hammersmith out of here, since you have no reason to stay.”

Kraus wasn’t going to waste her time arguing with this little tin god. “Sheriff, here’s what’s going to happen. I am sending two agents to your hospital to keep guard on Rafer Bodine. As of this moment, the FBI is opening an investigation into the kidnapping of the three teenage girls and of Carson DeSilva. Kidnapping, as you perhaps know, is a federal crime. In view of your conflict of interest, your involvement in this case seems counterproductive. Further, the DOJ—that’s the Department of Justice—”

“I know what that means!”

“Most Americans do. Now, the DOJ will determine if your behavior warrants prosecution.”

Booker looked ready to explode. Then he pulled back his shoulders, stretched himself to his full height. “I have been sheriff in Gaffer’s Ridge for twenty-two years and my daddy was sheriff before me for nearly forty years. I have worked hard to keep my town orderly and crime free. Ask anyone—there is hardly any trouble here in Gaffer’s Ridge.”

Kraus said, her voice dry as dust, “Except for the missing teenage girl from your town, Heather Forrester, three months ago.”

“Ma’am, Agent, I am as certain as I can be our poor Heather was taken by an outsider. Probably one of those fool hikers saw her, took her. Or maybe it was someone from one of the other towns who are missing a teenage girl. No one I know in my town would harm a hair on Heather Forrester’s head. I’ve been doing all I can, but there’s absolutely nothing to go on, no ransom note, not a single clue. Obviously, it’s not Rafer, his family is rich, plus he’s been friends with the Forrester family since he was a child.” He tossed his head toward Carson again. “But she’s new in town, claims she’s here to interview that nut case Alek Kuchar, a weird dude who’s been hiding in the mountains. The guy’s crazy, so I don’t see how—”

Kraus raised her hand, cut him off. “Sheriff Bodine, here are your choices: If Agent Hammersmith allows you to assist the FBI in our investigation into the three missing girls, you and your deputies will follow his orders to the letter. You will in no way impede, obstruct, or attempt to sabotage any part of his investigation or I will report your actions to the DOJ. If you agree, you may remain as sheriff of Gaffer’s Ridge, temporarily, despite your clear conflict of interest. Let me stress it is up to Agent Hammersmith to decide whether he wishes to include you and your deputies.

“Your second choice: you can hand me your weapon and your badge now, leave this office immediately, and face federal charges. Let me be absolutely clear: if you in any way interfere with Agent Hammersmith’s investigation, he will arrest you for obstructing justice.”

Tags: Catherine Coulter FBI Thriller Mystery