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She’d like to play hide and seek with him. In ways that would be a lot more fun that trying to get used to a GPS ring. “Sounds like a great idea,” she said.

He glanced at his watch. It’s almost four. Are you ready to leave?”

“I am. Let me get my stuff together and we can take off.”

As she slid her computer into its case, tapped her papers together and put them in her briefcase along with her computer, she glanced over at Spence. Caught him looking at her.

He held her gaze for a long moment, then gathered his own belongings. But enclosed together in the elevator as it glided down to the basement, she felt the heat of Spence’s body. Smelled his outdoorsy scent. And wanted nothing more than to bury her face in his neck.

Instead, she stood rigid against one wall, Spence against the other. Burying her face in Spence’s body? Merely a dream.

Living with him for several more days, the constant awareness and unsatisfied desire humming between them? That was her reality.

Tags: Margaret Watson Romance