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Chapter 18

Spence drove around the neighborhood for almost thirty minutes, but there was no sign of Ethan’s Subaru. Finally, at a stop light, he smacked the steering wheel hard enough to make the car rock. “God damn it!” Anger and frustration made him hit it again. “We were so damn close. If not for that effing truck, I would have had him.” He flopped back in the seat.

This all could have been over. Zoe could have gone to her conference and done everything she needed to do. He could have gone back to Montana. Put some distance between himself and Zoe.

Distance was the last thing he wanted from Zoe, but it was all he could have. He already felt too much for her. Already needed her like he hadn’t needed anyone since Marissa.

No. He’d never needed Marissa like this. Never craved her like he craved Zoe. Never counted the minutes until he could be with her again, the way he did with Zoe.

He’d loved Marissa, but what he’d felt for her was painted in pastels. What he felt for Zoe? Screamingly bright neon colors.

He’d never needed anyone like he needed Zoe.

And he couldn’t have her. Couldn’t offer her his heart, because what use would Zoe have for an organ that had shriveled to a dry husk a long time ago? Zoe needed a man who could love her with everything he had. A man who would be there for her, no matter what.

And that man wasn’t Spence. Forever wasn’t part of his DNA.

Zoe put her hand on Spence’s arm. “It’s okay, Spence. You almost caught him. You would have caught him if it weren’t for that truck. Ethan’s probably hyperventilating somewhere right now.”

“I don’t want him hyperventilating! I want him on the ground, cuffed. Locked up,” he said, hitting the steering wheel again.

“And so do I,” she said. “You’ll get him. You’re too good to let him slip past you,” she said in a tone he recognized as ‘soothe the pissed off guy’.

He shifted in his seat to stare at her, incredulous. “Are you soothing me? Trying to placate me?”

She grinned at him. “Is it working?”

He wanted to erupt. Tell her he didn’t need to be managed. But her eyes were twinkling, and her smile was so beguiling, so sweet and full of concern for him that he banged his head into the headrest of the seat instead. His anger and frustration ebbed, replaced by regret. He wanted to reach for her and take everything she was offering. But that was off the table. Instead, he said, “I want this to be over.”

Her smile slipped away, erased by the dark shadow of danger she and Spence faced. “I do, too, Spence. But that was pure bad luck with that truck. You probably scared the crap out of Ethan. Maybe he’ll make some mistakes. Give you an opening to grab him.”

He studied her for a long moment. Zoe believed in him. He could read it in her eyes. Her expression. She was certain he’d catch Davies and give her control of her life again.

What was he supposed to do with all that trust? All that belief? He didn’t remember anyone ever trusting him that much, with the exception of the other guys on his SEAL team. And it was their job to trust each other. Their lives depended on it. No one else but his team had ever had this much faith in him.

It was humbling. Scary as hell. He wasn’t prepared for the rush of emotion that made him want to reach for Zoe’s hand. To cling to her. Reassure her he’d keep her safe.

Instead, he threw the car into gear and headed for Zoe’s condo. Ethan had fled to wherever he was staying and crawled back under his rock. There was no point in driving the streets, searching for him. It would be a waste of time and gas.

* * *

Two and a half hours later, Ethan pulled into the parking spot behind the cabin he’d rented, still sweating. That had been a close call. He’d watched his rear-view mirror all the way from Seattle, looking for that black Toyota RAV4. He’d known what kind of car the guy with Zoe was driving, because he’d watched him pull into Zoe’s parking garage almost every night.

The guy was tall and muscular. Was he Zoe’s boyfriend?

No! He was probably some guy who lived in her building and worked with her, and Zoe gave him a ride home every day. She’d let him drive her car, because that’s what men did. They drove. Zoe was the kind of woman who’d give a co-worder a ride home. Helpful. Kind.

Of course Zoe didn’t have a boyfriend. She was waiting for him. Especially now that she knew he was close by. He’d been mailing her the charms from her bracelet, one each day, to send her messages. They’d all been sent from Seattle, and his Zoe was smart. She’d realize that. She’d know he was coming for her.

He couldn’t believe that she owned Melbourne Solutions. He’d done his research on the hugely successful company and realized Zoe must have started it not long after she finished college. He gripped the steering wheel too tightly, then let it go, afraid he might break it. He should have started that company with Zoe. She needed a partner. She couldn’t do it all herself. Hadn’t his mother said that she couldn’t have survived without Ethan? That women needed a man to protect them? To guide them?

When he and Zoe got married, she’d rename her company to include him. It would be Melbourne Davies Solutions. He’d help her write her programs. When they worked together, their company would be even more successful. She’d be glad he’d joined her. Grateful for his help.

He slid out of his car and trudged to the cabin. It was rustic, with a table and chairs made of rough wood and worn cushions on the chairs. The appliances were older, but they all worked fine. He fixed his meals here every day, so he didn’t have to eat at restaurants. They were a waste of money, his mother had always said.

He dropped into one of the chairs and picked up the conference brochure he’d brought along. Zoe was going to be at the opening night reception, so he’d make sure he got a ticket to that. Then she was giving a workshop, and he’d already circled that on his conference booklet. But she was also giving the keynote speech. Almost everyone attending the conference would be there, and he had big plans for the keynote.

He knew Zoe would be excited to see him. She’d throw her arms around him and hug him. Whisper that she’d been waiting for him.

Tags: Margaret Watson Romance