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A few of them had wanted to gossip about the celebrities she’d seen. Julia shook her head and smiled. “That’s why I’m the manager. I know how to keep my mouth shut.”

Dawson hadn’t shown up yet, and Julia wasn’t sure if she was disappointed or relieved. She knew Mel and her team badly wanted to get Dawson’s fingerprints, and they thought this party was their best chance. If he didn’t show, they’d just have to think of something else. She’d seen enough of Mel to know the woman would come up with a clever idea.

The elevator dinged again, and she glanced over as Kent Dawson stepped off. She drew a sharp breath, then let it out slowly. She felt Nico’s gaze on her, but wouldn’t meet it. She didn’t want to draw attention to the fact that she knew him.

Instead, she placed her empty glass on a tray that Brynn was carrying and drifted toward Zoe. When Zoe spotted her, she waved and took her hand. “Keely, I’d like you to meet Jim and Haley Johnson. They both work for Melbourne Solutions, and have become friends as well as colleagues.”

Julia chatted with the couple for a few minutes, understanding why they’d become friends of Zoe’s. They were charming, friendly and down-to-earth, and she was laughing with them before long.

Someone approached her from behind, and her skin prickled. Zoe had stiffened, even though her expression hadn’t changed. After a long moment, she touched Haley’s arm. “Excuse me. I have to greet another guest.”

Zoe walked over to the new guest, and Julia forced herself to focus on Jim and Haley. She suspected the new guest was Dawson, and Zoe was trying to steer him toward the middle of the room. Mel wanted Dawson one on one with Julia. Out in the open, where they could all watch their interaction.

A few minutes later, Julia held up her empty glass. “Time to get a refill,” she said lightly. “It was a pleasure meeting both of you.”

Julia hurried over to one of the bartenders. “May I have a glass of seltzer with a splash of that pink wine?” she asked, pointing to a bottle of rose.

“Of course,” he said with a smile, handing her a glass of what looked like pink champagne.

“Thanks,” she said, giving him a bright smile and handing him five dollars.

The bartender shook his head. “Ms. Melbourne doesn’t allow tip jars. She’ll give all the bartenders a tip at the end of the night.”

“Wow,” Julia said. “That’s generous of her.”

The bartender smiled. “Less stressful for everyone. That’s why we love working at her parties.”

“I’ll have to remember to thank her,” Julia said.

“Thank whom?” asked a man behind her.

Julia turned around and found Kent Dawson standing too close to her. She stepped to the side and smiled at him. “Zoe doesn’t want tip jars at her party. Instead, she gives the bartenders a tip at the end of the night.”

Dawson raised an eyebrow. “Classy. I’ll have to remember that trick for my parties.” His gaze raked over Julia, and his ogling scrutiny made her want to wash her hands.

Instead, she smiled at Dawson. “I don’t think we’ve met. I’m Keely White.”

“I’m Kent Dawson.” He shifted his glass into his left hand and extended his palm. He held on a few seconds too long. Clutched her hand a little too tightly. But he released her when she tugged her hand away. “Nice to meet you, Keely. I haven’t seen you at one of Zoe’s parties.”

“I work odd hours,” she said, taking a sip of her doctored water. “How do you know Zoe?”

“We work in the same field,” Dawson said. He took a barely noticeable sip of his champagne. “How about you?”

“Her company did some work for mine. That’s how I got to know her.”

“Really. Where do you work?”

“I’m in the hospitality business.”

He raised one eyebrow. “What kind of hospitality?”

His question was perfectly pleasant, but she saw the leer he tried to hide. She wanted to say she was an escort, just to see his expression, but she stuck with the script. “I’m a hotel manager.”

“Which hotel?” he asked.

“A small, boutique hotel that caters to guests who appreciate discretion and privacy.”

His eyes lit up. “You mean you get a lot of celebrities?”

Tags: Margaret Watson Romance