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“I know. But keep in mind I have no intention of being like either of my sisters.”

“No, but surely there has to be a happy medium. For one thing, you would have the wisdom to choose more wisely than either of them did.”

Connie sighed. “You think I ought to wed. But, Peggy, I ask you, who should I choose? Not that there is a queue of eligible men applying for the position.” She offered a self-deprecating laugh before elaborating. “From what you know of me, what sort of gentleman do you truly think would be able to make me content if I were tied to him for life?”

“I think a sturdy, steady gentleman who could offer you a different sort of adventure,” Peggy stated immediately before her smile twisted into a rueful one. “I cannot elaborate on that as I cannot say what sort of adventure that would be. If you were to wed, there would likely be children that followed, so I don’t think you could carry on traipsing about the world as you have been, so it would have to be some other sort of venture.” She began pacing along with Connie, tapping her chin as she thought. “Perhaps one of these agents. Not that I would wish to see you pursuing a life of danger, but I could see you being quite good at investigations. Or perhaps a scholar, if he were studying something that you might enjoy.”

Now it was Connie’s turn to tap her chin. “You make some interesting suggestions. I will have to give it further thought. But I think you must have been talking with my family to come up with ideas of how to convince me to remain on English soil.”

Peggy laughed but shook her head. “Not a bit. I’m just wishing to have my cake and eat it, too. If I do manage to find myself in a situation with a home and family of my own, I selfishly would like to have you nearby and not have to worry about you traipsing about the world without me.”

Connie allowed her mouth to drop open dramatically. “Peggy Smith, are you trying to say you will miss our travels?”

“Perhaps a little,” she answered grudgingly, making Connie laugh delicately.

“Well, those are troubles for another day. For today, I would love to find out that Henry Wagner was a criminal and that he would no longer be nearby to bother me.”

“Would you really?”

“Don’t you think that would solve some of my problems?”

“It might cause others,” Peggy pointed out, but Connie refused to accept that.

“I cannot allow people to paint me with the same brush as him. Just because he is determined to marry my inheritance doesn’t mean I actually wish to have anything to do with him.”

Peggy laughed lightly. “Very well, I concede defeat for now. How can I help?”

“You needn’t involve yourself in the least, but if you could try to hover near me or at least keep your eye out for me so that you can defend my reputation if he were to make an unwelcome move, I would deeply appreciate that. For now, I do believe I ought to be reasonably safe here at Everleigh. I cannot imagine Lady Adelaide would take kindly to anyone being compromised on her watch.”

“Perhaps not, but there has been a sudden and surprising betrothal no one seems to have seen coming.”

“But there is no scandal attached to that.”

“That is exactly the point, though, isn’t it? Mr. Wagner would be delighted to become betrothed to you in order to avoid scandal.”

Worry nibbled at Connie’s stomach. It was the age-old problem. The man wouldn’t leave off his pursuit of her or rather the pursuit of her pocketbook. It was exactly why it would be nearly perfect if he were to be declared a criminal and carted off to Botany Bay.

“Never mind,” Peggy said suddenly. “I swear I shan’t allow it to happen. I will glue myself to your side if need be.”

Connie laughed. “Nothing so dramatic will be necessary. Instead, I shall glue myself to Lady Adelaide’s side.” They shared a smile before Connie turned to the practicalities. “Ring for our maid, we must dress.”

Tags: Wendy May Andrews Historical