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“This forward young man wrote and requested that I post down as quickly as possible, so here I am.”

Florent, ever aware of her presence, heard Connie’s gasp even though she was across the lawn from them. Her wide-eyed expression nearly distracted him from the matter at hand, but it also confirmed the premonition he had been suffering under all morning.

He was somewhat relieved to note that his sister wasn’t nearly as hoydenish or forward as he had begun to worry, but Florent wondered how he could have been so distracted by the other guests that he hadn’t noticed his sister was falling in love with the man she had claimed to loath since they were children.

Lady Adelaide took matters over and assembled everyone in a withdrawing room for the announcement as footmen poured wine with bubbles for everyone to join in the joy.

“I have the privilege of announcing that Lord Alcott has agreed to grant me his dearest daughter as wife,” Foster pronounced to the gathered nobles. No one appeared surprised since Daisy was clinging to his arm like a besotted limpet.

Foster tried to stifle his disgruntled grin as he wondered if limpets really could be besotted. He was being decidedly churlish. He ought to be as delighted as everyone else seemed to be. He was, he insisted to himself. He most certainly wanted to see his sister happy, and she appeared to be deliriously so. Once the initial hubbub died down sufficiently, Florent made every effort to get into the spirit of things as he embraced Daisy to congratulate her.

“You pulled the wool over everyone’s eyes,” he remarked, watching a grin split his sister’s face.

“Even yours?” she asked with wide eyes, striving for innocence.

“I knew you must be up to something, but I couldn’t have fathomed this. I should have, though. I even remarked upon it the other evening to you, noting that you didn’t seem quite as indifferent to the gentleman as you’ve tried to profess through the years.”

If possible, Daisy’s grin widened, and she looked so happy Florent almost had trouble looking at her, like she was the sun and he would be blinded looking directly at it.

Florent watched his sister’s face turn pink and she leaned in closer to him. “I’ll tell you a secret.”

His eyebrows inched closer to his hairline, but he leaned even closer to hear what she had to say.

“I thought I hated him,” she admitted. “But it turns out, I’ve always loved him. And he’s going to take me on the best adventures. He even let me in on other secrets. Things I ought to tell you about but not now.”

Florent stared at his sister and wanted to insist she tell him what she was hinting at, but then she was pulled away from his side. A flurry of activity followed the announcement because along with their engagement was also the news that Foster intended to take Daisy with him when he returned to his holdings in Upper Canada, even if temporarily. The pair were so in love they couldn’t bear to be separated even a few months. So, a special license was to be procured and the wedding held at Everleigh as the culmination of the house party.

Florent watched in amusement as Lady Adelaide preened over her success. Not only had a match been made at her party, but it would actually end in a wedding. For the lady’s first social event as hostess, no one could argue her success.

For the briefest moment, as Florent scanned the room and all the gathered well-wishers, his gaze collided with Lady Constance’s. Hers was bright and watchful, and she appeared to be pleased for the newly engaged couple just as everyone else. But when their gazes meshed, she blushed prettily and turned away as though he had caught her in a thought that he couldn’t decipher. He also couldn’t decipher the pleased feeling that filled him for the briefest moment.

Of course, he told himself as he turned back to the matter at hand, it was pleasure for his sister, not anything else. And Florent was happy for his sister. He truly was. Although it sounded even to his own mind that he might be protesting too much. It shouldn’t need stating. Of course, he was happy for Daisy. And Foster, too, he might add. They had been chums as children and even managed to stay in touch through a very occasional letter through the years.

But Florent suspected there might be a slight tinge of jealousy in the jumble of feelings that he was trying to swallow down. Of course, he was happy for the two, but he also felt more alone than ever. Daisy was his favourite sister. He would miss her. Alcott would feel even more empty with only him and their parents rattling around within it.

He knew Daisy was an excellent correspondent, but it would never be the same once she wed.

“Do promise you’re happy for me, Flor,” Daisy implored when they had another moment of quiet together, as though she could read his troubled thoughts.

“I swear it to you, little sister. But now you swear you truly are as happy as you seem, and he hasn’t tricked you into anything.”

Daisy laughed right in his face. “Is there any question I’m nearly bursting with happiness? This is exactly the perfect situation for me. We are hoping to put down roots here abouts, too,” she assured him. “Frost has already spoken to an agent about finding us somewhere to live, perhaps in the village or the surrounding countryside. We will have to travel, of course, to see to his interests in various parts, but we’ll have a home here.”

“And you’re up for these travels, Daisy? I never knew you to have wanderlust.” Aside from his slight case of envy for the adventure ahead of her, Florent was actually concerned for his sister’s well-being. But she only sighed happily and grinned.

“I never would have actually thought I was the most adventurous sort, Flor, but it turns out that I am. I cannot wait to set sail, as a matter of fact. I do want to return and have a settled life eventually, or at least a certain semblance of being settled. But knowing Frost, we’ll always have certain ventures on the horizon.”

“And you are certain you are fine with that?”

“More than fine, as a matter of fact.” With that, Daisy put her hand into his elbow and started to lead him further down the path they were walking on while he questioned her. “While we’re talking about adventures, though, I do need to tell you something.”

Florent stiffened slightly, causing her to laugh lightly.

“Don’t get stuffy, Flor, or I won’t tell you.” She paused for a moment before correcting herself. “Actually, that is an empty threat as I feel duty bound to tell you, since I’m certain it affects Alcott and probably others in the area.”

Now Florent was confused and concerned. “What is it?”

Daisy bit her lip, obviously hesitant, so Florent put his free hand over hers where it rested in his elbow. “I promise I shan’t ring a peal over you, but you have to tell me if it affects Alcott.”

Tags: Wendy May Andrews Historical