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“Behave, Flor, we’re all supposed to be impressed not judgmental.”

“And are you?” he was curious, watching as she lifted a shoulder and pink tinged her cheeks.

“Perhaps I am tone deaf. It would explain why I was never the best musician myself. But I do not really hear a great deal of difference between these specialists and others.”

“It’s because you aren’t too high in the instep despite being a nobleman’s daughter.”

Daisy seemed distracted and Florent was surprised to see her gaze following their hostess’ brother-in-law who had only recently returned from Upper Canada.

“I thought you still hated Foster,” he said, watching in fascination as she tried to hide a mixture of reactions from him.

“Hate is such a strong word, Flor. I suppose I’ve outgrown such a juvenile reaction.”

Florent smiled even though his mind was working out all the ramifications of his sister’s reaction. Had she developed feelings for their neighbour? That would be wonderful as he thought highly of the middleborn son of the household that was hosting them, except for the small fact that the man spent most of his time in the wilds of Upper Canada. He promised himself to keep a better eye on his sister and determine how she truly felt on the matter before he reacted.

And then he was distracted by the influx of their fellow guests into the ballroom. It wasn’t quite a crush by London standards, but Lady Adelaide had invited gentry from the surrounding homes and there were enough people milling about to cause a hubbub and distract any mundane thoughts.

Not to say that Florent considered his thoughts mundane. Far from it of course. Unless he was thinking about his flocks. Even those he didn’t think were dull, but he was well aware that others might not agree with his assessment.

When the dancing began, Florent partnered with Daisy first, as was proper, but he was soon partnered with every other available woman in turn. It was much more vigorous exercise than he ever would have thought, not having attended many balls in his life. The last time he had danced this much was when his sisters were learning. It was highly diverting but surprisingly challenging. Florent had thought himself very fit, so it made him question his own consideration.

“How do you manage to appear as though you’ve done nothing but sip lemonade all evening?” he questioned his next partner, who happened to be Lady Constance. His question brought on one of her tinkling laughs which he didn’t object to in the least.

“Are you finding yourself winded by the exercise?” The laughter lurking in her eyes should have offended him, but he couldn’t find it in himself to mind when she was so pretty and endearing.

“I am,” he admitted sheepishly. “It’s much harder than it looks. And all the ladies appear as though it is nothing for them.”

“Do keep in mind that we are dressed much differently than the gentlemen. I would expect that would have something to do with it. We need to dance in order to keep from freezing in the current styles.”

Florent chuckled over her words and had to force his gaze to remain focused upon hers rather than to linger on the expanse of skin she was referring to. A part of him wanted to tug on his cravat as she mentioned how very differently they were clad.

“Also, I would say most of the ladies present have a great deal of practice dancing whereas, I would surmise that you haven’t danced in five years.”

“That obvious, is it?”

Constance’s happy burble of laughter sounded again but she shook her head. “Not in your steps but you mentioned you haven’t been to Town since your oldest sister’s debut. It seems in keeping with your dedication to your estate that you haven’t been attending many assemblies if there even have been any in this area. It seems to me that everyone from the surroundings that Lady Adelaide invited is overly delighted to be here. So, I guessed there haven’t been many such events.”

Florent grinned. “Are you sure you aren’t an agent for the Crown?”

“Why would you ask that?” she surprised him by the defensiveness in her tone. His eyebrows rose, even as suspicion followed them.Was that where her association with Mr. Wagner came in?

“You sound as though you would make a good investigator.”

She lifted a shoulder in dismissal of his words. “Not really. I just look beyond the length of my own nose, which many people do not bother to do.”

“That is a sad but true assessment. Except that they do look beyond their own noses when it is to sniff out gossip,” Florent pointed out, making her smile return.

The steps of the dance separated them for a moment and strangely, Florent missed her. It was an odd sensation. He knew she’d return in just a moment. He had also really just met her, or rather was only just getting to know her. It was most odd for him to have such strong feelings about a near stranger.

Except she didn’t feel like a stranger. He shook his head to try to rid himself of the uncomfortable sensations. But still, it was an effort to keep his smile within bounds when she returned to his side.

Tags: Wendy May Andrews Historical