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He tried to rub the grating sensation from the back of his neck, but it was no use. The tension he was holding in his neck muscles was too great at this point. He needed to move, to feel like he was doing more than simply sitting and waiting for word from her.

He turned back to Chad. “I want to see her car. Did they leave it where it is or is it being towed?”

“It’s still there. With no real foul play yet, they can’t do much. It was really just a favor, them watching for it and calling us. My friend did take a look in it, but he didn’t find anything.”

Logan snapped Billy’s leash to his collar. “I can’t just sit here. Let’s go check it out. See if she left any clues. Any signs at all.”

Chapter 34

Sam sat back and looked at the clock. It was time. After the twins left, she’d eaten a quick breakfast from room service, and now had everything in place.

All she needed to do now was the one thing she knew would tip PriorOfTheOri and Diya off.

She sat in front of her computer and pulled up her parents’ retirement account. With one last deep breath, she moved the money. She siphoned all of it out of her parents’ account and put it into a safe account that PriorOfTheOri wouldn’t be able to immediately locate and drain. There would be tax penalties, but Sam had more than enough money to make up for that and then some. She’d make sure they didn’t come out of this harmed in any way.

She just hoped her parents didn’t have a heart attack when they saw the money was missing. She would need to call them as soon as possible and let them know what was going on and that she had their money protected; but for now, she had a different phone call to handle.

She sent an email to PriorOfTheOri with the phone number of her new burner phone.Check my parents’ account, then get this number to Diya. She’s going to want to hear what I have to say. Oh, and check your own accounts while you’re at it, PriorOfTheOri. I really expected better of you.

Sam hadn’t been able to resist herself. He’d left himself too open to attack. She knew it was cockiness. The guy just thought too freaking much of himself and he underestimated her. By a long shot. She had emptied his accounts. Right after she had sent everything she’d gathered on him and Diya and all of their illegal activity to her contacts at the FBI.

The phone rang moments later.

“What the hell do you think you’re playing at, Samantha?” Diya’s voice sounded deadly over the phone but Sam stayed calm. The woman had no idea who she was dealing with. Sam had gone up against some of the worst criminals the world had seen. When she’d first started working with the FBI, she’d been frightened out of her mind and intimidated, but she had agents at her back. She gained a hell of a lot more confidence over the years. If Diya thought she could force Sam’s hand like this, she was dead wrong.

“I’m not playing at anything, Diya. In fact, I’m through playing your game. I win. The FBI has all your information. All of the information on your criminal activity, your father’s criminal activity, every bit of information in those files your father kept. You really shouldn’t have computerized it. It’s now in the hands of the FBI,” Sam said.

Diya started to speak, but Sam cut her off. “Did your research about me tell you that I studied languages for a time? Your father chose very interesting names for all of you. Did you know that?”

Diya’s voice turned deadly and Sam could swear she heard her grinding her teeth together through the phone. “Don’t you dare to talk about my father.”

Sam laughed. “No, really this is fascinating. Well, to me, at least. Maybe not to you. Nikolai Bogolomov had a way with names. Bogolomov itself is interesting. From the Slavic Bogolom, or God, usually given to a pious man. That’s a laugh, isn’t it? A pious man who kills innocent people? That’s rich.”

The tension through the phone line was thick as Diya seethed with hate and anger, but Sam kept going. She was angry with Diya for what she’d done. She wanted to vent.

“Of course, he named his eldest son Nikolai after himself. That makes sense. It demonstrated the importance of the first-born son. Kolya was his favorite, wasn’t he?” Sam knew using Diya’s father’s pet name for his son would taunt Diya.

“And, Vadik. His second son. Vadik means ruler. Such a strong name for his second boy. Clearly, he meant for both his boys to have a role in the family empire.”

Sam didn’t stop. She plowed on without letting Diya interrupt. “

Your name is the one that interests me the most. Have you ever looked up its meaning? Diya is short for Klavdiya, isn’t it? Klavdiya ... feeble woman. Did you know that? Your father named you feeble woman and shipped you off to schools in Europe where he didn’t have to deal with you. That is the man you’re so hell bent on avenging, Diya.Thatis what the man thought of you.”

“I will kill you, Samantha Page.” Diya’s voice vibrated, anger rolling through the phone line. “I will kill you and then I will kill Logan Stone.”

Sam laughed. “No you won’t. You’ll be too busy running. What do you think is going to happen when all of those people your dad kept files and information on end up with agents knocking on their doors or trapping them into making an appearance based on code words they’d once used with your father? They’ll know right away it was you. You’ll have a bullseye on you before you know what hit you. If you’re lucky, the FBI will get to you before one of your father’s old buddies does.”

Sam closed her computer and continued. “So, here’s your shot Diya. Run like hell. Get away while you can. You messed with the wrong woman and you got bit, but if you’re smart and fast, you can still get away before it’s too late.”

Sam hung up the phone. She didn’t care where Diya went as long as she got far away from Sam and all her loved ones. She knew criminals. They were into self-preservation at all costs. When the shit hit the fan, they bugged out fast, caring only for their own survival and their own freedom.

Chapter 35

Sam sent a quick message to her parents telling them not to worry about their missing money and made one more phone call before she left the hotel room. She picked up the trash from her snacks and tossed the wrappers in the garbage can as the phone rang. She picked up her laptop and slipped it into the backpack she carried it in, and then shoved her feet into her shoes.

“Sam!” came Logan’s voice, harried and out of breath through the phone and she felt a pang of guilt. She knew he had to be hurting and worried, but she had needed to be sure he wouldn’t be in danger as she handled this threat from Diya. Logan had put enough on the line for her. Hell, he’d almost gone to prison for her.

“Yeah, it’s me, baby. It’s all over. I’m on my way home,” she said.

Tags: Lori Ryan The Sutton Billionaires Billionaire Romance