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Leigh forced herself to eat most of the delicious meal. “I’m finished, sir, so your task is done.”

“Is it?” he questioned with an evocative look.

“Do we have other business to discuss?”

“What did you expect after this alluring note?”

The blue-eyed blonde looked at the paper he was waving beneath his nose. She eyed his smug grin, twinkling eyes, and merry expression. “How can I resist such an intoxicating summons?” Without releasing her captive gaze, she listened as he repeated its startling message from memory. “ ‘Come to my suite late tonight. We’ll go over old times and make new ones. Tell no one. I’m eager to see you.’ It’s signed with a flowingL.I’m glad to see you’ve become the aggressive predator so I can be the helpless quarry for a change.”

Leigh jumped up and snatched the note from his hand. He chuckled as she stared at it with wide eyes and parted lips. He knew it was from Louisa Jennings, but it suited his needs.

Leigh was jealous and angry. “I didn’t write this nonsense! This is Louisa’s handwriting. I recognize it from the sneaky message she sent that night we met on the dock. I know she wrote that note because I overheard her say so. How dare you think I would-”

“I didn’t.”

“But you said …” She stopped and stared at him.

He chuckled and shrugged. “It was a good way to see you privately, woman. If Chad demands satisfaction, I can show him this note and explain how my error was natural since I never expected his lover to send for me. I have to use every trick I know to entice you.”

Leigh tried to conceal she was perturbed. “I didn’t know you and Louisa are old friends.”

“We aren’t. She chased me every time I went home for a visit, but I never let her catch me.” He caressed Leigh’s flushed cheek and revealed, “You should be aware of my taste in women by now.”

“You and Louisa never …” Leigh blushed and turned aside.

Jace captured her arms and prevented her from leaving. “No, Leigh, I’ve never had anything to do with that woman and I never will. My only interest is you.”

“Then why did she send you this seductive note?”

“What does Chad hope to gain by throwing both of you at me? Should I go after his mistress or his ward?”

“What does that mean?”

“It’s supposed to get you seeing clearly. You’re blind to him. An old enemy comes here and makes me an offer I can’t refuse. He dangles his irresistible ward before me when he wants her like crazy himself. He orders his lover to seduce me. What am I supposed to think?”

“How should I know? I don’t understand any of this. Are you after me to spite Grandfather and Chad?”

“I swear that isn’t true, Leigh.” He pulled her into his arms and murmured, “A woman as beautiful and desirable and wealthy as you will have men chasing her all the time. I know this must sound like a seductive ploy, and you might not believe me, but I want you for no other reason than you enslave me. I’ve never wanted any woman like I crave you. When I’m cleared, I’ll want more than a night or two from you, much more, Leigh.”

She gazed into his eyes, lost in that jungle-green terrain. His flowing voice washed over her like an inviting ocean. His nearness and touch were more intoxicating than aged brandy. His words ensnared her. Impulsively, she revealed, “One minute you act so loving; the next, you treat me indifferently. It’s like you’re playing with me, tempting me and intriguing me, then ignoring me. Surely you’ve had enough experience to know I feel the same way, Jace, and you can have me without all these exasperating games.”

His fingers roamed her flushed cheek and parted lips. “If that’s true, Leigh, then no more games. I’m sorry I made it look that way to you. I was only trying to move slowly and carefully to keep from scaring you. It’s been damned hard, but I wanted to give you time to get to know me, to like me. I know you’re innocent, and I know you’re attracted to me, but that doesn’t give me the right to take unfair advantage of you.”

“How can you take advantage of me if I’m willing?”

“People do things in the heat of passion that they regret later. I don’t want you to ever regret anything you do with me. I wanted us to become friends first, then hopefully a lot more to each other as time passes. With these criminal charges hanging over my head and my family name blackened, I have nothing to offer you but a brief time with me. I can’t return to England with you, and I can’t ask you to permanently exile yourself with a wanted man. I can’t even allow you to let people discover our feelings and ruin your reputation. If you doubt me, my feelings, or my intentions—it’s wrong for anything this important to happen between us. You have to be sure of me and yourself. Once we accept each other, there’s no turning back.”

Leigh understood that this proud man wouldn’t consider marriage until he was exonerated. That might never happen, and she had to have him. “I am sure of myself, Jace, and now I’m sure of you.”

“Think it over Leigh, carefully and completely.”

Leigh was glad he was being cautious and frank. She lifted her hands and grasped his face between them. Rising on her tiptoes as she pulled his head downward, she murmured, “I have, Jace, many times. Now if you don’t kiss me, I’m going to scream or expire.”

Leigh sealed her lips to his, as Jace embraced her. His mouth feasted at hers, just as hers was greedily devouring his. They pressed together and savored this heady moment that both had long awaited and craved.

Jace wanted to prevent as much embarrassment and pain, and to give as much pleasure, as possible this first time. He had to control his own desires, and sate them only after she claimed her own. Yet he discovered mastery over his body difficult. She was so warm and eager and responsive. He had dreamed of this night many times, but hadn’t expected it to come so quickly or easily. At last he knew he was the man she wanted.

Leigh felt more alive in his arms than she had in her lifetime. Never had a man affected her this way. She wanted his kisses, embraces, his touch, and all of him. Her body felt as hot as an iron in a branding fire, and she wanted his possessive mark upon her body and life. She yearned for them to become as one, tonight and forever. Even if their affair was dangerous, she had to taste his sweet passions.

Tags: Janelle Taylor Historical