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Chapter Seven

Saint frowned as he disconnected the call and left his office. Sarah rarely called him, yet when she did, it was always for a good reason.

Leaving his office within the clubhouse, he walked out to the main part of the club. Rage, Willy, and Shorty were going over some paperwork.

“Where’s Pea?” he asked.

“In his room. He’s not been down since the party last night,” Rage said.

Leaving the main club, he made his way up toward Pea’s room.

“What is it?” Rage asked.

He didn’t say anything as he charged into Pea’s room. The man was curled up with two of the club whores naked, and sprawled over him.

Kicking the bed, Saint stood back. “Wake up, Pea.”

“Saint? What the fuck?” Pea ran a hand down his face and then started to push the women off him. “What’s going on?”

“Mel, she’s just gone into Dirty Deeds sporting a black eye. Do you know anything about that?”

Pea frowned. “Wait? What the fuck?” he said, again.

Saint repeated the words as Pea moved out of bed, standing up. He was butt ass naked, but Saint was used to seeing his men in nothing.

“I just got a call from Sarah. Mel just went into the shop and she has a black eye. Do you know who is responsible for that?” Saint did his best to stay out of his boys’ love lives, but he didn’t accept women getting abused. He drew the line at physical and sexual violence. The club whores, they were protected, but they knew nothing else was expected of them. They were there to fuck, and in return they were looked after. None of them were hurt in the process.

“I’d never hurt Mel. You guys know me. I do stupid shit all the time, but I never harm what belongs to me. I’m fucking insulted you’d even think I would.”

Saint was aware of several of the brothers behind him.

“Fuck, I was here all night partying, and you know I don’t hurt Mel. I love her.”

The men behind him snorted.

“Shut the fuck up,” Pea said. “I may not be the best husband, and our marriage may not be fucking conventional, but it’s ours, and I do love her.”

Saint believed him. Melissa and Pea’s marriage was their own, and he didn’t delve into that shit.

“Time to leave, ladies,” Pea said, sitting on the edge of the bed, rubbing at his eyes. “Fuck me, I drank too much last night.”

“Who would hurt her?” Saint asked.

“I’m just trying to think.” Pea shook his head. “Councilman Wallace. He’s the only one she has been seeing, I think so.”

Saint watched as Pea reached out to grab some pants, pulling them up his thighs.

“I’m going to go and see her,” Pea said.

“Did she know you were here?” Saint asked.

“Yeah, I tell her every time where I’m going to be.” Pea pulled his jeans up. “I’m going to head on over there. Are you sure Sarah saw correctly?”

“I’m sure. This is Sarah. She wouldn’t call about nothing.”

Minutes passed and they were heading out of the clubhouse toward their bikes. Saint took the lead, riding toward Melissa and Pea’s house.

The ride did little to clear his head. He wanted to know who was hitting one of their women, and how he was going to deal with it.

Tags: Sam Crescent Erotic