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“I’ve missed you, too. Come on, let’s go and get something to eat.”

As they passed several people within the street, they stopped to say hi. Sarah didn’t recall the town ever being so caring, yet she’d not been home for some time.

Entering the diner she spotted Pipe sitting in the back, holding a baby.

Taking a seat opposite him, Sarah watched as Elena sat by her man’s side.

“Hey, Sarah, how are you?” Pipe asked, handing Bluebell to her mother.

“I’m doing good. I’m feeling much better now that I’m no longer with Ralf.” She ran her fingers through her hair.

“I said she could stay with us. Is that okay?” Elena asked.

“Of course it is. We’re at the cabin. You okay with that?”

“Yep. A cabin, away from Ralf, and I’m more than happy about that.” She grabbed the menu and looked over what was on offer for breakfast.

“I think you should be careful of Ralf.”

“He’s not going to hurt me, Elena.”

“Just be careful. Ralf never struck me as the kind of guy who’d walk out one month, and then try to kidnap you when he’s bored.”

Sarah smiled. “So he did a crazy thing. Don’t worry about it.”

“Watch your back.”

“I will. I promise.”

Over the menu she watched as Pipe sank his fingers into Elena’s hair, pulling her close and kissing her deeply. She watched, unable to look away from the consuming love and passion crossing Pipe’s face. This was part of the reason she’d had to get away from Sinners’ Corner. Even when the couple before her had been dating in secret, it had been more consuming than her relationship with Ralf. The comparison had been hard for her to make, but she’d made it anyway.

“Please, you two, stop. People need to eat,” Knife said, suddenly appearing by the table. She looked up at the man who she had kept in contact with from the first night they’d been dancing together. “Hello, Sarah.”

“Knife.” She licked her suddenly dry lips as she took in the vicious man. He’d never been mean to her, not one bit. Knife had always been nice to her, treating her with respect. She’d even call him a friend. When she first left town, he’d not begged her to come back. He’d made sure she was settled.

“I gave him a call, letting him know that you were back in town.”

She smiled. “I didn’t have much of a choice.”

“Ralf kidnapped her.”

Knife was staring at her, and she found it almost impossible to look away. “He kidnapped you?”

“Kind of. He took me against my will, and now I’m in Sinners’ Corner eating with my best friend. I guess I can’t complain.” She did her best to make fun of what happened, but he didn’t smile.

“Can I take a seat?”


Sarah was the most beautiful woman he’d ever seen. Knife took in her glossy brown hair, which she had first covered with a hair dye. Her brown eyes were so dark and deep that he found it impossible to look away.

“Sure.” She moved up, and he sat opposite his Prez. Knife had done what his leader had asked him by staying away from the young woman who was now back in town. It had been hard, but Pipe had asked that he give her time to know her own feelings. She’d been with that fucker Ralf, who had left her high and dry. Knife had been her shoulder to cry on. The guy she’d ranted and raved at.

He hadn’t minded as it was refreshing to have a woman treat him as more than a cock. Sure, it was fun to get as much pussy as he did without much effort, but it would still be nice to have something more. Now he was just sounding like a pussy. There were plenty of guys who’d kill to have the kind of life he did.

Taking a seat beside Sarah, he closed his eyes as he scented vanilla.

“How is everything at the club?” Pipe asked, drawing his attention back.

Tags: Sam Crescent Erotic