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Teri looked at Leo and Paul. She wanted to jump up and down in victory. Her sister had a lot of issues, and she knew the two men held the power to help her. Maybe, just maybe, all three could be what they were looking for.


Six months later

Lying in the bath against Pixie’s chest, Suzy giggled as he traced over her swollen stomach.

“My kid is not being called Randy.”

“How about Burt?” she asked, glancing up.

“We don’t even know if it’s a boy or girl. What about Sienna? I like that name for a girl.”

“I like that name as well.”

He ran his fingers over her stomach, marveling at how his son or daughter kicked out. “They’re going to be fighters, either of them.”

Staring down into Suzy’s smiling face, Pixie knew his world was complete.

“The baby is due in like two months, and we’ve just found this house. We’re going to need to fully furnish it.”

“The guys are going to help tomorrow. Consider it an extended wedding gift.”

She lifted her hand out of the water, showing off her wedding band. “I sometimes forget we’re married.”

“What surprised me was finding out that James and Cora are now married. Neither of them gave anyone any warning.”

“Sucks. I’d have liked to have watched those two get married,” Suzy said.

He took hold of her hand, locking their fingers together. “They wouldn’t even consider renewing our vows when we got married.”

“My wedding day was perfect.” She glanced back up at him. “Thank you.”

“Anything for you. Forever and for always.”

“Such a charmer.”

He cupped her face and pressed a kiss to her lips. What a difference six months had made. He was married. Skylar had moved in with Chloe, and had even made them their wedding cake. Pixie hadn’t known Teri had a sister let alone one that baked. The whole club was excited to meet her. She was the complete opposite of Teri though, shy and nervous. Still the same lovable personality, just hard to talk with at times.

“Do you know who sent Skylar those roses?” he asked.

“Leo and Paul. I heard the two of them while they placed their order. I think they have a soft spot for her. She’s a lovely person. I adore her.”

“You don’t miss being at the apartment? Keeping me away.”

“I married you, Pixie, so I could have a reason to spend more time with you.” She went to her knees, and he helped her as her stomach got in her way. “I’m a tank.”

“A beautiful tank.”

“Will you still love me with all my stretch marks?” she asked, pouting.

“I will love you more because of them.” He kissed her neck, then moved down to her breasts. “As each day goes by, I find myself loving you more and more. I promised to devote my life to yours, and I will every single day.” Sinking his fingers into her hair, he tugged her down for a kiss. “Now, show your husband how much you love him.”

It took all night, but by the end of it, Pixie lay with Suzy in his arms, sated, and content. The next fifty years were going to be the best of his life.

The End

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