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“You did it!”

“Did you see? Did you see what I did, Aunt Naomi?”

“I saw, honey. I’m so proud of you!”

“Can we get ice cream, and can I swear when I watch football with Knox?”

“Yes and I guess so.”

She hugged me tight around the neck and whispered, “This is the best day of my life.”

I was trying to blink back tears when someone pulled her from my arms. It was Knox, and he was settling Waylay on his shoulders as the rest of the players and parents gathered around to congratulate her. Knox shot me one of his rare, full-on grins that made me dizzy.

“Sloane and I have talked, and you’re forgiven,” Stef said, slinging his arm around me.

“As long as we’re invited for ice cream,” Sloane added.

“And included in your life,” Stef insisted.

I pulled them both in for a hard hug, and over their shoulders, I saw Dad clap Knox on the back.




I threaded the stem of the earring through my lobe and leaned back to admire the effect.

“What do you think?” I asked Waylay, who was sprawled across my bed on her stomach, chin pillowed in her hands.

She studied the earrings. “Better,” she decided. “They sparkle like Honky Tonk on your shirt and they stand out more when you toss your hair.”

“I don’t toss my hair,” I said, ruffling hers. My niece was more and more willing to tolerate affection from me these days.

“Oh, yes, you do. Whenever you catch Knox looking at you, you’re all…” She paused to shake out her blonde hair and bat her eyes.

“I do not!”

“Do so.”

“I’m the adult and I’m in charge and I say I don’t,” I insisted, flopping down on the bed next to her.

“You also get this mushy face whenever he walks into a room or you get a text from him.”

“Oh, is it like the mushy face you make whenever someone says Mr. Michaels’s name?” I teased.

Waylay’s face transformed into what could aptly be described as mushy.

“Ha! See! That is a mushy face,” I said, pointing accusingly at her.

“You wish,” she scoffed, still smiling. “Can I use some of your hair spray since you messed up my hair?”

“Sure,” I said.

She slipped off the bed and picked up the can I left on the dresser.

“Are you sure you packed everything you need?” I asked, eying the pink duffel bag in the doorway. Waylay was invited to Nina’s birthday sleepover. It was the first time she’d be spending the night with a non-family member, and I was feeling the nerves.

Tags: Lucy Score Romance