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“McGoven’s dangerous,” he replied, recognizing the scent. “He took a mate without permission—forced her against her will and kept her hostage on his territory. She’s abloodlycan,” he added, making the crime so much worse. “You know the law—”

“She belongs with the pack of her father,” Loreck said with a frown.

“Yes,” Lukka agreed. “Only…when I sent my man out there to bring her to us, McGoven tracked them down, ambushed them, and took the girl back. I’m guessing that your man must have seen them, tried to help her and…”

Gotten his throat slit with a silver knife. It made sense. Jamal was a kindhearted soul. Seeing a crazed man, dragging some girl off into the woods would have incited his need to help.

And he paid the cost.


Something didn’t fit. While filthy and bruised, that girl didn’t exactly look like she was being kept against her will. Though, if McGovenhadmated her, that wouldn’t mean much. Her desires would be entwined with his by now.

If murder was the worst crime a lycan could commit, mating an unwilling female would be a close second. Both deserved only one punishment—death.

But, something itched at the back of Eric’s skull, demanding acknowledgment. Doubt.

“Why let her go in the first place?” he wondered, speaking out loud. “If he took her by force, why would he let your man take her? Let alone, allow them to get all the way out here before coming for her?”

And, while he was at it…

“What the hell was a full-blooded, unmated female doing so far from your territory anyway? Isn’t ityourjob to keep your own wolves in line? And why didn’t you go to welcome her personally? To send a beta for such a task, it’s… It’s unheard of.”

Too late, did Eric realize that his tone came across harsher than intended. So much for politeness.

Loreck glanced at him in warning. But he could tell from his thoughtful expression that the Alpha had been thinking along those exact same lines.

Lukka shrugged. “We knew of her. She was supposedly the daughter of another rogue—amade.We didn’t think there was a possibility she’d inherited the blood. But now…” Hesighed, running a hand through his yellow hair. “We think that McGoven may have murdered the man to get to his daughter once he sensed the blood in her. Then he kept her heritage a secret. It was only when she murdered someone that he came clean. I’m sure you can see why.”

Eric felt his eyes widen, but Loreck nodded. Just once.

“With a mate of his own, he could evade his rogue status. Challenge another Alpha on equal footing. Even start his own pack,” he murmured. But suddenly, he tilted his head, raising a dark eyebrow. “Though, you’ve always been worried about him, haven’t you? That’s what you’ve feared. The day he might return and demand youearnyour position the way an Alpha is meant to.”

The question seemed aimed at Lukka like a dart—and it struck the bullseye. For a split second, the young pup dropped the friendly-neighbor routine. Those boyish blue eyes narrowed, so damn icy that even Eric suppressed the urge to shiver. Perhaps the wolf wasn’t all talk after all.

“Iamthe Alpha,” Lukka hissed. “I fear no one.” But in the blink of an eye, his casual demeanor returned in full force, mouth quirking up in a faint smile. “But I can understand your concern. After all, without an heir, who knows what will happen to your pack should you meet your end before your time. A threat like the one McGoven presents must weigh heavily on your mind.”

Son of a bitch.Low growls of warning echoed throughout the room. Eric felt himself take a step forward before he could help it—though Loreck managed to keep his composure.

It was a low blow, though the lack of an heir wasn’t exactly a secret. Normally, an Alpha named a successor outright. Though there was no guarantee they would become the leader, the designation ensured stability. Direction. While childless, Loreck had held off on even naming a successor. If he died before he did so…

Eric didn’t even want to think about the chaos that might ensue. Violence. Bloodshed. Civil War.

Loreck did have one benefit to withholding the name of an heir, blood or otherwise. It meant their pack ran smoothly. There were no political games. Everyone stood on equal footing, and he didn’t need to worry about a challenge. Yet.

Lukka, on the other hand, wasn’t so lucky. Rumors had swirled mere seconds after he claimed the title of leader. Even outside packs weighed the risks of taking on Black Mountain and attempting a coup. He was on shaky ground, forced to defend his position at every turn. Paired with the obvious issues regarding feeding his enormous pack, you had a recipe for chaos.

“How ironic that you should mention heirs,” Loreck replied, once the anger in the chamber died down somewhat, “when your own father named another man as his successor overyou. It seems, an Alpha’s will isn’t always realized after death.”

This time, Lukka couldn’t have hidden the reaction if he tried. Pure, raw loathing crossed those handsome features—twisting them. It took way longer than a second for him to wrestle himself back under control.

“McGoven’sdangerous,” he insisted. “He’s killed once, and he’ll kill again. Do whatever you have to do to ensure justice for your own—”

“Wait,” Eric said, ignoring the rival Alpha’s glare. “What about the girl? I say we leave her out of this. She’s full-blooded. If she’s grown up in human territory…”

He didn’t even want to think of what that meant. The mental damage that might be done, let alone physical, was horrifying. Especially if her first entry to lycan life was being mated against her will. Eric cringed as he thought of his own sister. That female deserved justice just as much as Jamal.

“She’s an innocent,” Loreck agreed. “If he mated her against her will, that just adds onto his crime.”

Tags: Lana Sky The Black Mountain Pack Fantasy