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He had slung Naomi across the couch and began moving around the living room, flicking on the lights at random. With each one, Loren shuddered as the extent of the girl’s injuries became apparent.

She’d been bitten in the neck.Morethan bitten—her throat seemed…


Blood was everywhere. On him. On her. It even painted a scarlet trail out into the hall, staining the leather of the couch. Loren held her breath just to keep from gagging.

“Why?” she croaked. “Why would they do this?”

Of course, she already knew the answer. They had mistaken Naomi forher.

It was her fault.

“I tried to stop them—”

She turned to find Micha, hovering over the cusp of the living room, his eyes apologetically wide. At the sound of his voice, McGoven whipped around.

“What the hell are you doing here—”

“He tried to save her.” Loren didn’t even realize that she’d spoken out loud until McGoven cut his gaze in her direction.“He tried to save me.”

The man didn’t look convinced. “What the hell are you doing here?” he demanded of Micha, though his gaze never left her face.

“I told you,” Micha insisted, “I’m not leaving until I’ve repaid my debt. And it’s a good thing I was here, too. They weren’t waiting for an invitation.”

Bill’s jaw tightened, and his eyes flashed with a mixture of rage and…guilt? When he spoke again, his tone was deeper. Cold. “They were Eislanders?”

Micha gave a sharp nod of his head. “I think so. They said you killed one of them—”

“I killedfourof them,” McGoven corrected without batting an eyelash. “But…they didn’t seem like Loreck Eislander’s type. What the hell did they want?”

“Revenge,” Loren said, shuddering as the word left her mouth. “Either you or me, they didn’t care.”

“I wouldn’t have let them touch her,” Micha insisted heatedly. “I swear.”

“Yeah,” McGoven bellowed, “a lot of damn good you did. And you—” He turned to her again, his gaze demanding. “What the hell were you thinking? Do you know what he would have done to you? Ripped out your fucking throat!”

Loren faced his tirade without an explanation in mind. The truth“I mentally sparred with the man,”didn’t make sense.

Eventually, McGoven just sighed, raking his hand through his hair, as he glanced down at the motionless Naomi.


Viewing the body in better lighting, Loren was sure a pulse had been entirely in her imagination.

“We need to call an ambulance,” she said weakly. Deep down, she knew it wouldn’t matter.

No one could survive a wound like that. The blank look McGoven gave her pretty much proved it.


“No!” She backed away slowly, shaking her head. “We need to do something!”

It wasn’t like she harbored any kind of love for Naomi, but no one deserved to die like this. In almost a week, Loren had already seen way too damn much of death.

No more.

“Do something.” The words could have just been a pathetic form of denial—until she remembered… “You can save her, can’t you?”

Tags: Lana Sky The Black Mountain Pack Fantasy