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But she recognized him.

“This isn’t the way,” Micha called, in a voice that carried across the field. “This isn’t right—”

“Don’t talk about things you don’t understand, pup,” one of the men tossed back, arms crossed casually over his chest, while the wolf crouched in wait.

He had to be the leader, judging from how the others were grouped around him. Even the wolf seemed to be awaiting orders, growling low in the back of its throat.

“This has nothing to do with the old laws,” the man went on, taking a step forward to reveal an angular face crowned by blood-red hair. “This is about retribution, plain and simple.”


Loren gaped at Naomi. What could she have done to warrant being attacked in the middle of the woods?

Not her,some part of her whispered. She’s not the one they wanted.

“The rogue killed one of our own,” another man pitched in, his mouth twisted in a snarl. “The laws give us the right to recoup the loss. We followed protocol. Gave clear warning. The bastard sent a woman to face us instead.”

“Though,” the first man said with a shrug, “it seems as though we’vemiscalculated.”

Loren could barely see him through the oppressive dark, but she could sense the exact moment his eyes locked ontoher.His gaze was even colder than the icy breeze chilling her skin.


“L-leave her out of this,” Micha stammered. He looked even worse the closer she came. His entire body was shaking, and his ragged sweatpants were filthy, and mud stained.

Or, bloodstained. Crimson liquid leaked from a gash in his left leg, and it seemed to take every ounce of strength he had just to stay on his feet. But he did. His gaze was steady, firmly fixed on all three men.

“This isn’t about her,” he said.

“It’s not,” the leader admitted with a shrug. “Butsheis the easiest way to get tohim. Now stay back, pup. This has nothing to do with you.” He moved to take a step, and everything seemed to happen at once.

Micha stumbled toward him. The wolf snarled, and Loren didn’t think.

She reacted.

“No!” The cry was directed at Micha, who gaped as she shoved him back and positioned herself in front of him.

The four opposing figures were bulky, sporting varying degrees of muscle—and unlike the men from the clearing, she could tell that they weren’t your average thugs.

They were organized. Dangerous. Should she have been afraid?

Probably—but, for some reason, shewasn’t.

Not even when the wolf growled in warning, raising its haunches.

Silly little girl,she could picture them all thinking.So damn naive.

They don’t matter,that inner voice warned, louder than ever.This is about power. Focus on the leader, only him. He dictates their next move.

For now, he seemed content to watch her. “This is nothing personal between you and me,” he explained, sounding almost calm despite his previous threat. “Your mate killed one of our own—this is the law.”

“This is stupid!” Micha snarled, appearing by her side.Loren could hear his ragged breathing, and she just hoped he wasn’t stupid enough to try and fight. “She isn’t a part of this! Those men were going to kill her!”

“Not correct,” the leader said simply. “The man he killed was a trusted friend of Alpha Loreck—” His voice took on a lethal edge. “And he wasmurderedin cold blood.”

“W-what?” Micha’s confusion matched Loren’s perfectly.

If this “trusted” friend was one of the men who’d attacked her in the clearing, there wasn’t anything “innocent” about him. Still, these men didn’t seem to be joking. Or lying. She could hear the honesty in their leader’s voice.

Tags: Lana Sky The Black Mountain Pack Fantasy