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“They hurt you to get to me,” he said. “They knew what you are… What you mean to me. If I didn’t… They would have never stopped. Do you understand that?”

Tentatively,he reached for her again, coiling his fingers around her wrist. The air left her lungs. His touch traveled through every inch of her body, hot and electric. Through bone. Flesh. Muscle. Her mind whirled with the sensation, and she almost missed the moment he tugged, easily pulling her to her feet.

And into his chest.


Kyle leaned against the wall of an alley an hour outside of Eislander territory, next to a crummy pay phone, and waited.

It was showtime. He had already mastered his“sad face”and had his sob story together.They forced us off the road. The girl ran. There were too many of them. When I found her, she...

He just hoped no one expected any more from him than that. Already, he’d spent too much damn effort making sure that this plan went off without a hitch. It hadn’t been easy. The thought of staging something so close to Eislander territory, still made a shiver run down his spine. It was risky, but more than worth the danger in the end.

The girl was dead, and nothing could be traced back to him.At least now McGoven no longer has the mating bond to worry about,he thought around a chuckle.

It had probably been broken even before the girl had died. After all, the cheap bastards he’d hired to do the deed had only asked for one thing in addition to the money he’d paid them.

Any other day, he might have felt guilty. The poor female’s last moments couldn’t have been fun.

But who the hell cared? Lukka got his subtle revenge, and McGoven was back to being the brooding mate-less outlaw.


All Kyle had left to do was pat himself on the back for a job well done.Piece of cake.

Only when midnight rolled around without any word, his shoulders started to tense. By the time dawn approached, still without a peep, he had become downright panicked. His palms began to sweat. His already rapid heartbeat kicked it up a notch. He knew he was in deep shit even before the phone finallydidring.

“You fucked up.”

The voice didn’t belong to one of the seedy bastards he’d hired to kill Loren Connors. The power in it could only be conveyed by an Alpha.

“You hear me, Kyle?” Lukka snarled. “You. Fucked. Up.”

“What the hell happened?” Kyle countered, feeling somewhat defensive even though he already knewsomethinghad gone wrong. The bastards never called to receive their second half of the payment, and there could only be one explanation.

Lukka growled. “I had my men scout the perimeter—”

For show, of course. Once Micha showed up, claiming attack by the Eislanders, Lukka would have had to put on his big boy Alpha panties and at leastpretendto take the threat seriously.

“—only, they caught a whiff of McGoven in the area.”

“What?” An uncharacteristic tendril of fear pierced through Kyle before he could help it.

No wonder the bastard let them go so easily. He’d expected a bigger fight, and assumed McGoven had been desperate to have the girl off his hands—but no. The damn rogue had followed them, and Kyle had been too confident to notice.

It was a ballsy move. Kyle might have been impressed—until he remembered that McGoven was a snake. If only he showed the same vigilance reserved for Loren Connors toward all his mates.

Emma might still be alive, in that case.

“I had the security footage pulled around that damn town where he lives,” Lukka went on.

Mentally, Kyle had to chuckle at that. While the man might not have had the guts to pull off his own dirty work, he didn’t seem to mind using the power that came with being the Alpha of one of the most powerful packs in the area.

Go figure.

“He was with the girl. She’s stillalive,” the Alpha added, stating the obvious. “And he’ll know that you tried to kill her.”

“Why do you figure that?” Kyle asked, though more to stall than anything else.

Tags: Lana Sky The Black Mountain Pack Fantasy