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Besides, the scrawny rogues were nothing more than cannon fodder—though Kyle didn’t mention that. He also didn’t mention that the girl in question was as good as dead. Lukka had made that clear. The Alpha may hide behind the fact that no law stipulated hehadto take the girl in, but that was just a cop-out. Whatever helped him sleep at night.

The truth was the girl was mated to Bill McGoven. For that alone, she had signed her own death warrant. This was personal. It didn’t matter that the asshole claimed he’d had no other choice or whatever bullshit that bitch Sonia had spewed to justify the action.

He was inexile—forbidden from ever partaking in pack life. Lo’ and behold, taking a mate was amajorfucking part of pack life.Kylehadn’t even taken one yet, and he was well past the age when his wolf called out for a mate of his own.

But hey, he could wait. By jumping the gun without permission, McGoven had gone too far. If losing the girl was what it took to make him realize the gravity of the situation, then so be it. The last time Kyle had checked, rogues in exile couldn’t fucking take any woman they wanted.

And obviously, his little female wasn’t justanyold woman. Why else would he keep her so close? Days after their joining, and he barely let her off his property.

The fucker was hiding something, which was why Kyle was here in the first place, hours from pack territory in the middle of bum-fucking nowhere. Lukka was too much of a pussy to do his own dirty work.

Kyle was used to it. Even before he took over, Lukka preferred using his brains over brute force. Not like the great and powerful Bill McGoven—the same man everyone assumed would be the future Alpha once upon a time. As it turned out,Lukkaclaimed that mantle, and only the Alpha could decide who was worth saving or not.

This poor little mated femalewasn’t,and Kyle would see to it personally. Though…it wasn’t like he could just stroll onto that farm and drive a stake through her chest himself.

Not with McGoven and the Carlisle woman there. Micha might have been fast, but Kyle doubted the pup could hold his own against a full-grown wolf like McGoven. Even that little bitch, Sonia, could put up a good fight if she wanted to.

Besides, they had to play nice. For political reasons, of course. After all, it wouldn’t look good on Lukka’s part to be responsible for the murder of a young girl just because he happened to hate the bastard who claimed her.

Yep, they had to play by specific rules, make it look like an accident. Kyle already had a few devious ideas in mind, but it wasn’t like he could put any into practice without narrowing down the playing field by at leastonehostile wolf.

Right on cue, his cell phone buzzed at his hip.

“Go,” he told the runt beside him. “Scout for a mile. Make sure the coast is clear.”

“Okay!” Micha bounded from the truck without a backward glance, and Kyle brought the phone to his ear.

“Yes,” he grumbled the second he sensed the runt beyond earshot.

“The Carlisle girl’s out.” Lukka’s voice crackled from the other end of a bad connection. “She’ll leave tonight. Tomorrow, you move in.”

“Excellent,” Kyle said around a cold smile. “I’m bored babysitting.”

“But you know the drill,” Lukka snapped. “Be clean about it. I don’t want this in any way traced back to me.”

Yeah, yeah. Mentally, Kyle rolled his eyes. That was Lukka. Sure, he couldordera murder easy enough, but when it came to the grisly details, he blanched. Though, how hard could killing one girl be? Hell, even McGoven seemed to want her off his hands. In a sick way, they were doing the bastard a favor.

“Don’t make her suffer,” the Alpha added.

As if he really gave a shit.

If McGoven hadreallywanted her, Kyle figured he would have been ordered to string the girl up by her toes and make the asshole watch him kill her. It wouldn’t have been the first time Lukka had him get “creative” to prove a point to a rival.


“It’ll be neat and clean, Lukka,” Kyle promised. “Your little problem will be wiped away, and McGoven will once again be solely at your beck and call.”

It was a win-win for everyone, really.

Except for the girl, of course. She got the short stick in the end. But in a twisted game of power and revenge, someone had to be the pawn.


Loren bolted awake, a scream poised in her throat.It was dark. So dark. She couldn’t see anything—couldn’t see him—but she knew he wasn’t there. She had been searching and searching, but he was never there…

“You’re alright.” The stern voice encased her in an eerie sense of calm. Instantly, her fear vanished.


Tags: Lana Sky The Black Mountain Pack Fantasy