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Officer McGoven didn’t seem to give a damn about her. The loss of his animal was the least he could suffer in exchange for having her out of his hair once and for all.

Determined, she hiked up her dress and braced one foot on the bench while swinging the other over Xavier’s ebony back. Once she sat, fully mounted, that rebellious sense of determination faltered.

What now? She had no clue. On the other hand, Xavier seemed to know exactly whathewanted. When the horse bolted into motion, Loren just held on.

Experimentally, she tugged the reins to one side, and Xavier followed, storming through the gate and down the muddy path. She felt her eyes drawn to the house, watching anxiously for any sign of movement.

Would they notice her?

Even if they had, she was already out of view. Xavier flew across the earth, apparently eager to stretch his legs. When Loren squeezed her thighs, he seemed to have no trouble going faster.She had only a second’s warning to grip his mane before he broke into a gallop over the hill.

She hung on and tried to breathe. For the moment, nothing else mattered but the icy chill of the wind bearing down her back. Who knew where she’d end up?

Anywhere was better than where she wasn’t wanted.


The ride seemed to last an eternity, but it could have only been a few minutes later that they neared the edge of the Baker farm boundary—and that was when the horse lost it.

Suddenly, he reared, kicking up mud and earth in a stinging spray. A frantic whinny rippled from his massive chest, sending a chill down Loren’s spine.

Her first thought was that something had spooked him, and she patted his flank, murmuring soothing words. She tried twisting the reins in another direction, but once again, he shied back. And then again, when she tried another direction. It was as if an invisible wall prevented him from crossing the property boundary.

“Come on, boy,” Loren urged. She shifted, intending to dismount and lead him on foot.

The second she moved, all hell broke loose.

Xavier reared again, bellowing a high-pitched cry that would haunt her nightmares. Loud, terrified—panicked. Dislodged completely, she fell from the animal’s back. No, it felt more like an invisible hand caught her collar and yanked her downhard.She braced for the fall, but when she finally collided with a firm surface, there was no pain.

Just noise.Thunder?No, this sound went evendeeper, rumbling beneath her skin. Words? Yes, but it was a long, dizzying minute before she could make out any clearly.

“What the hell is wrong with you? Are youinsane?”

Probably, Loren realized as her nostrils flared, catching the scent of pine. She wasn’t on the ground after all, but in someone’s arms.


“Are you alright?” her rescuer demanded, his eyes a chilling silver. He crouched, manipulating her onto her knees before him. “Are you hurt? Are you injured? ANSWER ME!”

He was shaking her, Loren realized.Physicallyshaking her. Her head lolled back and forth as he wrenched on her shoulders.

“Can you speak? Loren!”

“I-I’m fine,” she managed to choke out.

Abruptly, he let her go and stood, hissing in relief. Her response seemed to console him, but marginally. He was still angry, but above all else,he looked…worried?

“Do you have any idea how dangerous they can be? Fuck, you could have been—” He broke off abruptly and turned toward the west end of the field. In an ebony blur, Xavier bolted as if the devil himself were at his heels.

You could have been…A vivid imagination allowed Loren to fill in the blanks. She could have broken her neck or been crushed beneath a flurry of racing hooves. In fact, the only reason she hadn’t been hurt at all, was because of him. McGoven. Though, how had he caught up to her in the first place?

Silent, she took in his wind-swept hair and heaving chest.Both pointed to one insane conclusion. Had he run after a galloping horse on foot?

“I’m sorry,” she blurted. Fear for Xavier especially made her sick with guilt. “I’m sorry.”

“Shut up.” He didn’t yell, but her mouth snapped shut instantly.

Then she winced. Her lower jaw was on fire.Swollen,she remembered, though the cause was hazy. A punch? Gingerly, she traced her bottom lip, only to freeze the second she contacted the tender flesh.

Tags: Lana Sky The Black Mountain Pack Fantasy