Page 16 of Seducing Darkness

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Hands wrapped around each other’s throats, they stopped fighting and glared at her. She should be terrified having two supernatural beings locked on to her, but she was currently too pissed off to care.

“Kill each other somewhere else and let me escape. Please!” She stomped away, landed on a sharp pebble, and twisted her ankle. The ground rushed toward her. She braced for pain but was caught by Agone.

“Don’t touch me!” She dug her nails into the reddish flesh of his arm only to end up dumped at his feet.

Standing over her, Eden got a good look at Agone, the beast. He was roughly the same impossible height as his human form, thank God, with reddish leathery skin that appeared to be armor plated. In the transformation, he’d lost his shirt and pants, revealing all that glorious red skin stretched over muscles stacked on muscles, stacked again on muscles. The kilt-like skirt shielding his privates did nothing to halt her imagination—and what an imagination she had. All that brawn, he had to be packing serious junk. Then there were the wings. Big jet-black feathers arched from his back.

His throat cleared, causing her gaze to snap to his face. Oh boy. “You have horns.” Precisely two sets. One set protruding five inches from his forehead. The second shorter set curling against his jaw.

“Yes. I know,” Agone said, heavy on the sarcasm.

His hair fell forward. It was the same untamed mess she wanted to run her fingers through earlier. And his eyes, lord, they were dark, swirling, hypnotizing orbs. Losing herself within their depths would be all too easy.

“We’ve come to an agreement.” He snapped his head toward the angel behind him, though now he looked a bit less angelic. His halo was gone. Did that mean Agone had defeated him? Mixed feelings had her wondering whether she should be happy or concerned.

The angel stepped closer, just one step. Her first good look made her gasp. He was terrifyingly beautiful with sharp cheekbones and intense deep-set blue eyes with a gold rim under a strong, thick brow. Pale skin, almost translucent, as if he hadn’t seen the sun in a millennium. Muscles bulged under a gray-and-gold robe-like armor that accentuated his body. Clean-shaven, unlike Agone. They had the same angular face except he had no dimple and no broken nose. He was perfect. Exquisitely perfect with four pristine white wings appearing too delicate to carry him. He belonged on the cover of GQ, not in a park in Jacksonville, Florida.

Angel on the left. Demon on the right. And here she was, stuck in the middle. A hard throb pulsed in her clit, almost buckling her knees and dropping her to the grass. Her gaze shifted between the two beings, weighing which one she wanted more, which one she’d choose to hump right now until she exploded. Both. She’d choose both.

Get a grip, girl. “Why should I care about an agreement between you two?” Agone opened his mouth to answer, but she wasn’t done because she had an epiphany. They would not hurt her.

“What are you?” Her head cranked to the being on her right. “And what the hell are you?” The angel opened his mouth, but she still wasn’t done. She pointed to Agone. “He was about to explain some shit to me, shit I probably don’t want to know. Then you barged in and Agone goes Red Hulk with wings. Why?”

Deadpanned glares were their answers.

“We should return to your apartment and finish our discussion, with Seren included,” Agone gritted between clenched teeth.

“Seren?” she said and edged closer to the angel. A growl rumbled from Agone. She ignored him. “That’s your name?”

“Yes.” The angel’s voice dropped her naked on a bearskin rug in front of a roaring fireplace, sipping a glass of merlot. With his head between her thighs.

“What are you?” Her voice trembled, and she hated and desired it with equal fervor. “What the hell are both of you? I’m not moving from this spot.”

“Eden —” Agone started.

She glanced over her shoulder at her apartment complex. Her quiet apartment complex. Not an officer on site. Not a siren in the air. No tenants outside looking at the damage and wondering if a tornado hit it.

“Explain! Now.”

Agone sighed. He got close, crowding her. She was done running because retreating wasn’t in her nature. “Do you really need an explanation when it’s obvious?” he said.

Before her stunned eyes, he transformed back into a regular seven-foot tall, muscle-bound guy in a T-shirt and designer suit. “I’m a demon. He’s an angel. If you want to know more, follow me.” He headed for her apartment, one step at a time, like a human. Watching him leave was as sexy as watching him approach.


Seren hadn’t moved. He was still yards away, yet his spring rain scent filled her nostrils and the heat of him warmed her skin. She felt another deep clit throb. “Why were you two fighting? Tell me that.”Give me something before walking back into that apartment.

“We were fighting over you.”

His husky tone had her clit humming. “W-Why?”

“Come to your apartment and find out.” He vanished, and it didn’t shock the shit out of her. After tonight, she doubted anything else would.

Chapter 6

They waited for her in her semi-destroyed apartment. The coffee table was now kindling. The bookcase was splintered. Books vomited on to the hardwood. Knickknacks were shattered. They’d fucked up her castle and left it for her to clean and replace.

Agone – demon form hidden – resumed his spot on the sofa as if he owned it. Seren was on the other side of the room, next to the breakfast bar. Facing away from her, she caught the sword strapped to his back, between his wings. Huge, it reminded her of one of those anime swords that was as big as the character wielding it.

Tags: Tmonique Stephens Erotic