Page 65 of All Snowed In

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“I know that, Avery. It’s just that when Dad died, I felt responsible for all of us as a family. I wanted everything to work out the best way possible and we all knew how creative and smart you were. Dad wanted you to be the next baking star and I guess I did as well. I never wanted anyone to get in the way of your dreams, but I took that a little far.” He chuckled and gave me a long look. “I suppose that if anyone is going to be my brother-in-law, my childhood best friend isn’t the worst choice. I can see how much you care about my sister.”

“Slow down, Jefferson. This is still new to us, and we aren’t getting married yet. I still have to figure out this baby thing and I’ll need you and Polly to help me with that.” Avery laughed as she looked at me with a wink. I didn’t doubt that we would get married someday down the line, but it didn’t have to happen right now.

Jefferson offered me his hand and I took it, shaking it firmly as he told me he didn’t want anything to come between us. I agreed and he welcomed me to the family.

After we all chatted for a while, I told everyone good night and Avery walked me to the door. When the door was closed behind us, she wrapped her arms around my neck and stared into my eyes.

“I love you but what if this baby isn’t yours, Charlie?” She asked quietly as I smiled at her.

“The baby is yours and you are what matters to me, Avery. I’m so in love with you I can’t imagine a life without you. We all are.” I promised her before kissing her. “Stay inside and safe tonight.”

“Good night. I love you,” she told me as I made my way to my car. As I left the driveway, I could see Avery watching me bundled up in her red jacket with a sweet smile on her face.

This woman was my everything and as unconventional as we were, I knew this was what I wanted out of my life.



I carried Oliver to the front door bundled up in his blue snowsuit and leaned down to secure him in the stroller for Christmas on Main Street.

I couldn’t believe that a year passed so quickly but with a five-month-old mini Charlie in my life, time flew right by. He was born in August, and I settled on giving him my last name since he was my baby with a few father figures. It just kept things simple, and Charlie always joked that he’d take my name when they married down the line.

Charlie finally stepped out on the porch, and I shook my head at him.

“How is it that me and a baby are ready to leave before you?” I asked as I took the blanket he offered me and tucked it around our son.

“I needed to find some socks. Leave me alone.” Charlie laughed as he brought the stroller to street level and I checked his door to make sure it was locked up. We decided it would be easier for me to move in here and raise Oliver and it hasn’t made it difficult at all to see Jack and Ben.

We headed to the crowd and greeted our friends as people fussed over Oliver. I laughed as I watched, glancing up to see a familiar set of blue eyes in the crowd.

“Jack!” I called out as he made my way to me. I hugged him and kissed his cheek chastely as Charlie greeted him. “You’re back. I thought you’d be gone longer.”

“So did I, but I made it back for this event. How are you?” Jack asked me, giving me his handsome smile.

“I’m good. We’re good. Look how big the baby is!” I told him as Jack leaned down to talk to Oliver with a wide grin on his face.

“How did it go?” Charlie asked once Jack stood up. Jack had been away working hard at training and should have news about The Olympics.

“I am in two events!” Jack announced as I felt tears in my eyes. “I just wanted to come back and see you before I head out to more training and it’s Christmas on Main Street. How could I miss that?”

“That’s amazing, Jack. Congratulations.” Charlie told him before looking around. “Oliver and I have some Christmas shopping to get done so you go off and catch up. I’ll see you in a bit.”

“Sounds great,” Jack told him, offering me his arm. We headed in the opposite direction and caught up as I glanced at the skating rink that had been the place where we had our first date.

“Did you ever think we’d be here a year later like this?” I asked him as he glanced over at the people skating around the circle.

“No, but I couldn’t be happier. I know you’re safe when I’m off doing my thing and that the guys are taking care of you.” Jack smiled at me as I squeezed his arm. “Besides, seeing you happy is everything to me. I love coming home and seeing that smile on your face.” He glanced around at the loud laughing crowd and leaned down to sneak a quick kiss. Technically, I was in a long term relationship with Charlie but it was a madhouse down here tonight. “How’s the planning coming along?”

“I am starting the business within the next couple of weeks now that Oliver is a little older.” I glanced around and frowned. “Is Ben here?”

“He said he’d be hanging out.” Jack replied as he looked around. “Oh, there. He’s with your brother.”

We made our way over to Ben, Polly and Jefferson and their daughter Emma, who was a few months older than Oliver. She offered me a huge smile as I leaned down to kiss her cheek. I had the relationship with my niece that I dreamed of.

“Where’s Oliver?” Polly asked as she looked around. I gave Ben a hug, loving the feel of his big body wrapped around me.

“Charlie is teaching him how to Christmas shop for me,” I replied with a giggle. Ben gave me a warm smile as I pulled away and I knew what he told me in that easy look. Ben loved me as much as Charlie and Jack did and we were all happy in our relationship. “Guess who made it to The Olympics next year?”

Tags: Lisa Cullen Erotic